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COVID-19: more than 16 million 300 thousand people already have two doses of the vaccine

COVID-19: Peru exceeds 36 million doses applied to its population

A total of 16 million 378,718 people already have two doses of the covid-19 vaccine in Peru, the Ministry of Health (Minsa) reported tonight.

This figure represents the 58 percent of the target population, that is, people aged 12 years and over, totaling 28 million 024,250 people throughout the country.

The Minsa report also shows that until 6:00 p.m. today 37 million 596,429 doses of the vaccine have been applied.

It should be noted that currently vaccination is open to all age groups, with a minimum age of 12 years. The Minister of Health, Hernando Cevallos, reported that a new age group, from 5 to 11 years old, will be immunized next January.

The director of Immunizations of the Minsa, Gabriela Jiménez, said that if the vaccination date is missed for adolescents between 12 and 17 years old, they can go to any vaccination center near their home, without having to check the website Pongo el Hombro.

He recalled that there are vaccinations that attend until 4:00 p.m. and others until 7:00 p.m. But there is also the option of going to the VacunaFest, that is, the long days of 36 uninterrupted hours on Saturdays and Sundays, even at dawn.


The vaccination process against covid-19 aimed at boys and girls between 5 and 11 years old would be carried out in January 2022 to strengthen the return of schoolchildren to face-to-face classes, reported the Minister of Health, Hernando Cevallos.

In his final speech before the Congress of the Republic, the head of the Health sector specified that, although vaccination protocols for children of those ages are not yet authorized, The Ministry of Health (Minsa) is in talks with the Pfizer laboratory to acquire the vaccines.

“The vaccine that is being used (in other countries for this group) is from Pfizer, but it is different from the one that has been used so far in the country. Have intense conversations with Pfizer for the acquisition of this vaccine and we think that around January we could be vaccinating this sector of children to strengthen the return to face-to-face classes”Commented the minister.

Cevallos He stated that this is an objective that the Minsa wants to achieve, because it recognizes what it means for children and parents who wish to “re-socialize their children in these school groups.”

The Minsa will work in coordination with the Ministry of Education to meet this important goal, he said.


Before the national representation, the Minister of Health assured that, at this time, Peru has the provision of vaccines against covid-19 for the entire population.

“Here I have to give good news and that is that we have a supply of vaccines in the country for all citizens. There are no longer excuses that the vaccine batch is going to be late. That is why it has been arranged to sweep in different provinces where there is an increase in infected, such as Sullana, Chanchamayo and Chincha”, He indicated.

Likewise, in the regions of Piura, Cajamarca and Lambayeque, sweeps will be scheduled to control the increase in covid-19 infections.

It recognized that the percentage of vaccination in the regions of Puno, Loreto and Ucayali It is not satisfactory for the Ministry of Health, if one takes into account that Peru is very complex to achieve mass vaccination due to its geography.


Another decision that the Minsa has taken is to immunize 100 percent of the population of Tumbes and Tacna, within the possibilities and acceptance of the community, in order to open the borders and reactivate the economy in those areas, he added.

“They are not the only border areas in our country, Puno also has it, but precisely the sweeps are to allow these populations to have a much more fluid exchange with neighboring countries than they have now.”

(With information from Agencia Andina)


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