Minister: Austria wants to abolish all Corona laws
“We have vaccinations, we have medication, we monitor the variants”: Johannes Rauch. photo
© Georg Hochmuth/APA/dpa
The measures against the corona virus in the Alpine republic should be part of history in the future. Health Minister Johannes Rauch sees “currently no signs of a major danger”.
According to Health Minister Johannes Rauch (Greens), Austria wants to abolish all corona laws. Rauch announced in the “Kronen Zeitung” that he was planning to quit in the course of the year. Corona would no longer be a notifiable disease. The country should return to normal, Rauch told the newspaper.
According to the minister, the massive Covid wave in China no longer poses a major threat. “We have taken the necessary precautionary measures. I currently see no signs of a major danger.”
The Minister of Health does not believe that Corona will disappear, but sees Austria as prepared: “We have vaccinations, we have medication, we are monitoring the variants.” In his opinion, the mask requirement that still exists on public transport in Vienna will soon be removed. Away from the federal capital, there are currently hardly any signs of Corona regulations. An FFP2 mask is currently also mandatory when visiting health and care facilities.