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Covid-19. Michoacán declares mandatory confinement for coronavirus

Morelia.- The Governor of MichoacánSilvano Aureoles Conejo signed the decree declaring the compulsory isolation in the entity, which establishes new sanitary measures to control contagion in the face of the pandemic of Covid-19 coronavirus.

The state president specified that it is not a Exception statusTherefore, the document warns that there will be sanctions for those who do not comply with the provisions.

Through a public message, Aureoles Conejo established that those who take to the streets to carry out some essential activity, must do so with all sanitary measures.

The decree indicates that during its validity, the inhabitants of Michoacán will only be able to circulate along the roads for public use to carry out essential activities.

Also read: Silvano Aureoles asks AMLO not to leave Michoacán alone in the coronavirus contingency

For example, for the acquisition of food, pharmaceuticals and basic necessities; Assistance to hospitals, services and health facilities.

Likewise, the displacement to the workplace to carry out their labor, professional or business provision, in the areas declared as essential activities.

Among the essential activities are: the operations of the Health Sector, public and private, Public Security, Governance, Civil Protection.

Likewise, the Penitentiary System, the pharmaceutical sector, the manufacture of supplies, medical equipment and technology for health care, among others.

Likewise, he indicates, the sectors of the food and non-alcoholic beverages industry, food markets, supermarkets, self-service stores, grocery stores and the sale of prepared foods are essential; passenger and cargo transportation services; agricultural and livestock production, agro-industry and cleaning products.

Likewise, only those who return to their usual place of residence or provide assistance and care to the elderly, minors, dependents, people with disabilities or especially vulnerable people may leave.

Also, those who move to financial and insurance entities and due to force majeure or a situation of fully justified need.

Likewise, private vehicles will be allowed to circulate along public use roads to carry out essential activities or to fill tanks at gas stations or service stations.

And, in any case, in any displacement the recommendations and obligations dictated by the health authorities must be respected.

The decree announces that the State Secretariat of Public Security may agree to close the circulation of highways or sections of them for reasons of public health, traffic safety or fluidity or the restriction in them of the access of certain vehicles for the same reasons. .

When the measures referred to in the preceding paragraphs are adopted ex officio, the municipal governments, which exercise enforcement powers in traffic, vehicle circulation and road safety, will be previously informed.

The document states that during the validity of this decree, meetings on public roads should be limited or prohibited, as well as any type.

It is also generally prohibited all kinds of public or private events that involve the grouping of people and in which sanitary measures cannot be applied, mainly healthy distance, in particular social events, wakes, group physical activities in gyms or houses and work meetings.

The use of mouthguards is also mandatory for people who transit on public roads or in any public space, as well as the application of other measures dictated by the health authority.

In one of the articles, it is warned that people who do not place themselves in some of the expected exceptions and are located in the streets, roads, highways, public spaces, recreation parks, shopping malls or any other space where they are not accredit the performance of essential activities, sanitary security measures will be applied: isolation and quarantine.

It mentions that isolation is understood as the separation of infected people, during the period of transmissibility of the disease caused by COVID-19, in places and conditions that avoid the danger of contagion.

And, quarantine shall be understood as limiting the freedom of transit of healthy people who have been exposed to the disease caused by the Sars Cov virus, for the time strictly necessary to control the risk of contagion.

For the terms of the provisions of the previous article, any person who is on public roads and presents any of the symptoms caused by the virus, will be assigned the character of suspects, subject to the following procedure.

In the case of suspicious cases, the virus detection test will be applied to them and they will be isolated for the necessary time in their own home or, where appropriate, in one of the Care Centers for COVID-19 established in the state.

In these centers, the document affirms, it will offer them the minimum conditions of isolation, as well as the necessary food.

They can only be withdrawn from the care centers once they are discharged with the authorization of the Health Services, or that, due to their conditions, they can continue confinement at home.

Public security institutions will assist in monitoring compliance with sanitary measures.

It refers that non-compliance or resistance to the orders of the competent authorities will be punished in accordance with the laws.

The corresponding public security authorities may apply sanctions for infractions of the provisions of this Decree.
The sanctions will consist of:

a) A fine of fifty to one hundred UMAS;

b) If the offender does not pay the fine imposed on him, this will be exchanged for community work that will not exceed three days, or the corresponding arrest, which will not exceed in any case thirty-six hours; and,

c) If the offender is a repeat offender, arrest will be practiced for up to thirty-six hours, without the option of exchanging for community work.

Community work will consist of contingency-related activities, such as the transfer of food to vulnerable groups, cleaning in health centers and hospitals that do not attend COVID cases 19.

Likewise, the preparation of mouth masks for distribution to the vulnerable population and any other that the authorities determine in matters of public safety and health, that do not put the integrity of the offenders at risk.

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