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Covid-19. Mayor of Pinhel reacts with perplexity to data on cases in the municipality – Observer

The Mayor of Pinhel reacted this Sunday with “perplexity” to the data presented by the Directorate-General for Health (DGS) regarding the epidemiological situation of covid-19 in that district of Guarda district.

According to mayor Rui Ventura, on Friday, the Local Health Unit of Guarda sent the municipality “the last daily report that presented, in the municipality of Pinhel, 24 positive cases”, when, in the report made available by DGS today, the municipality “Presents 09 positive cases”.

“How is this gap justified?”, Asks the Mayor of Pinhel in a statement sent to the agency Lusa.

The mayor says that the municipality “knows the identity of the 24 patients who were registered in the last report” and that it daily monitors the evolution of the clinical situation of these people.

In the note, Rui Ventura says that “this gap is not permissible and it is not permissible that detailed information on the municipality’s epidemiological situation is not allowed to continue”.

“How can the municipality of Pinhel continue to monitor the clinical situation of its citizens and the Municipal Civil Protection Commission exercise its competences?”, Asks the executive’s leader.

According to the official, “detailed, rigorous and credible information at the municipal level cannot fail to be provided”, therefore, “does not resign and does not conform to the data provided, not discarding the use of all means at his disposal. reach to end ”the situation.

“Pinhelenses have the right to access relevant and true information and not just data whose rigor is totally debatable. Everyone has the right to information because it is everyone’s health that is at stake ”, he concludes.

On Saturday, the Minister of Health denied any “prohibition on sharing information” at the local or regional level, after the Espinho City Council on Friday denounced guidelines to regional authorities not to disclose local statistical information.

“I want to make it clear that there is no prohibition on sharing information. Yes, there is a clear appeal to all entities that make up the Ministry of Health, especially local and regional health authorities, to focus on sending timely and consistent information to the national level. Parcel bulletins can cause fragmented analysis. In addition, due to the size of some data, the possibility of violation of statistical confidentiality ”, said Marta Temido.

The new coronavirus, responsible for the covid-19 pandemic, has already caused more than 109,000 deaths and infected almost 1.8 million people in 193 countries and territories.

In Portugal, according to the balance made today by the Directorate-General for Health, 504 deaths were registered, 34 more than on Saturday (+ 7.2%), and 16,585 confirmed cases of infection, which represents an increase of 598 in compared to Friday (+ 3.7%).

Portugal, where the first confirmed cases were registered on March 2nd, has been in a state of emergency since March 19th and until the end of April 17th.

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