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Covid-19. London releases list of first “travel corridors”

The Boris Johnson Government is evaluating the creation of “travel corridors” with a number of destinations so that the British can go on vacation without having to comply with the 14-day quarantine on their return to the UK currently in effect.

According to the Thursday edition of Daily Telegraph, London is outlining a three-step plan, the first of which provides for deals with popular holiday destinations in Europe, including France, Italy, Spain, Greece and Germany.

However, the newspaper said, these “low risk” countries should not include Portugal due to the increase in cases of coronavirus in recent days in the region of Lisbon and the south of the country.

The newspaper The Sun puts Portugal in doubt, but the Daily Mail says that “it is likely to be included in the list of destinations, despite concerns about outbreaks” in the country.

According to the British press, in a second phase, starting in August, medium-haul destinations such as Turkey, Morocco, in addition to the French islands of Réunion in the Indian Ocean, some Caribbean islands and Dubai would be added.

Late summer will include countries that involve long-haul flights, such as Vietnam, Singapore, Hong Kong or Canada, although the lists of names vary.

UK and Portugal arguments

British Transport Minister Grant Shapps said on Wednesday that the list of countries with the first “corridors” will be unveiled this Monday, when the first review since the quarantine, introduced three weeks ago, is due to take place. to try to stop the Covid-19 pandemic.

Since June 8, all people arriving from abroad to the UK, including Britons, have been forced to remain in isolation for 14 days to reduce the likelihood of contagion.

On Friday, Portuguese Home Affairs Minister Eduardo Cabrita said that “there is no reason” for quarantining the return to the UK, but he did not want to anticipate the British Government’s announcement about the air corridor with Portugal.

Portugal is one of the countries that has expressed interest in negotiating an “air corridor” with the United Kingdom to be able to receive British tourists, who represented almost 20 percent of the total in 2019.

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