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COVID-19 is still fast, how many doses of vitamin C does the body need?


Currently, the number of cases of patients with COVID-19 continues to grow. One of the efforts to increase endurance is by taking vitamin C. How many doses of vitamin C can be consumed during a pandemic?

Vitamin C is an antioxidant that can fight oxidative damage. When the immune system is activated to kill pathogens, it can also cause oxidative damage.

Quoted from Medical News Today, some doctors believe that taking vitamin C supplements can support the immune system. This suggests vitamin C can fight the damage caused by disease.



Some studies suggest taking vitamin C to help treat inflammation and symptoms due to COVID-19. It functions as an antioxidant and helps fight inflammation that can damage the lungs and other organs.

The chairman of the Indonesian Association of Sports Nutritionists (ISNA) Dr. Rita Ramayulis, DCN, MKes, explained that generally the need for vitamin C needed by women and men is different. For women 75 mg and men 90 mg per day.

“Consuming 500 to 1,000 mg of bitamine C during a pandemic is allowed. This aims to increase body protection during a pandemic,” he explained, in a webinar, Wednesday (28/7/2021).

However, it turns out that taking vitamin C in healthy individuals and those exposed to COVID-19 has different doses. Again, it must be seen from the symptoms of individuals who are exposed to being in the mild or severe category.

“When individuals are exposed to COVID-19, they must consume more than 1,000 mg of vitamin C with a note that they must be under the supervision of health workers. In addition, doses of 2,000, 5,000, and even 10,000 mg can be given by infusion because the handling is more special,” he added.

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