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Covid-19. Ice cream samples tested positive in China

From infected ice to Covid-19 ! This is what was discovered in Tianjin in China. Ice cream samples have thus tested positive for the new coronavirus, according to a report released in mid-January and relayed by local media.

Traces of SARS-CoV-2 were discovered in three samples during a food test, reveals the HuffPost relayed by Slate.

The three samples (chocolate, strawberry and taro) were produced by the Tianjin Daqiaodao Food Company. As soon as the report came out, the company specializing in the manufacture of cakes and frozen products closed its doors and its 1,662 employees were placed in quarantine.

A low temperature favorable to the virus

The samples taken for the control came from a lot of more than 4,800 boxes of ice cream. However, more than 2,700 of these boxes had already been distributed on the Chinese market. An investigation was opened to find the products and remove them from the stalls. The authorities have urged the Chinese not to buy or consume these ice creams.

It is still unclear how these ice creams could have been contaminated with Covid-19. According to virologist Stephen Griffin, interviewed by the HuffPost, the virus could have been kept in favor of the low temperatures required for ice storage. According to him, this is an isolated case that should not create panic.

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