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Covid-19: gauges, teleworking, vaccine booster … what to remember from Jean Castex’s announcements

The Prime Minister announced new measures to curb the coronavirus epidemic in the company of Olivier Véran, Minister of Health.

The head of government was speaking after the adoption in the Council of Ministers of a bill creating a “vaccine pass” to replace the health pass currently required in restaurants and many public places.

“This means that in places where this pass has been applied for several months, it will be necessary to justify being vaccinated to be able to enter: the production of a test will no longer suffice” specified the Prime Minister.

The draft law on the vaccination pass aims to strengthen the incentive for vaccination by de facto excluding unvaccinated people who had hitherto resorted to tests. The executive expects the text to be adopted by Parliament by mid-January.

“The bill also provides for increased sanctions against false passes,” said Jean Castex without giving further details.

Limited gauges in large gatherings

Among the new measures that will apply from Monday, January 3, are new restrictions on large gatherings.

Jean Castex: “To slow down Omicron, large gatherings will be limited to a maximum of 2,000 people indoors and 5,000 people outdoors” pic.twitter.com/z0v1n52xUo

— BFMTV (@BFMTV) December 27, 2021

As of Monday, January 3, and for three weeks, “large gatherings will be limited to a maximum of 2,000 people indoors and a maximum of 5,000 people outdoors.” Standing concerts will also be prohibited. ”

Extension of teleworking

The extension of teleworking was also announced by Jean Castex. It is now “compulsory” wherever possible, at least three days a week, or even four.

The Minister in charge of Labor Elisabeth Borne will lead from Tuesday December 28, 2021 a consultation with the social partners in this direction.

Mask in town

In addition, the mask will make a comeback in city centers, with an extension of its obligation including outside. The mayors, in coordination with the prefects, will be responsible for determining the exact modalities of this measure.

Immunization time reduced to 3 months

Jean Castex also announced that the deadline for administering a vaccine booster dose against Covid-19 would be reduced from four to three months from Tuesday, December 28, in accordance with a recommendation from the High Authority of Health (HAS) published Friday which aims to curb the spread of the Omicron variant of the coronavirus.

The Minister of Health, Olivier Véran, specified that 45 million French people were now affected by the recall. He acknowledged that resorting to a fourth dose of vaccine was a “possibility” but that no decision on this was taken at this stage.

Jean Castex: “From tomorrow morning, (…) it will be enough 3 months after your second injection or your first if you have had the Covid to benefit from your booster” pic.twitter.com/DyUhHpGhu7

— BFMTV (@BFMTV) December 27, 2021

Towards a reduction of the isolation period

The government will also change the length of the isolation period for people with contact cases but will not announce the terms of this measure until Friday, December 31.

“The characteristics of Omicron will lead us, after advice from the health authorities, to adjust our doctrine on the duration of isolation when you are positive, or when you are in contact,” said Jean Castex.

For the moment, the isolation period is set at ten days for an infected person and seven days for a contact person of a positive person, a period extended to seventeen days for contact cases within a same focus.

The Prime Minister finally ruled out, as expected, a curfew on the evening of December 31. He also confirmed that the start of the new school year will be maintained on January 3.

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