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Covid-19. Faced with the health crisis, the Rouen University Hospital is struggling to recruit

The urgency of the moment? « Human resources and logic in decision-making ! » This is the cry from the heart of Sylvie and Jérôme

two nurse anesthetists met Thursday, October 15 in front of the Rouen University Hospital. While a demonstration is organized that day to call for « massive hires» , these two caregivers (non-unionized) testify to the fatigue threatening the health of their colleagues, at the dawn of a second wave synonymous with curfew in the regional capital, and white plan in the hospital center. « There’s gonna be a lot of burnout, it’s a time bomb !» , Jérôme predicts. Even more cash: « Everyone is dead !» , confides another internal source. « We pulled on the rope too much.


Growing needs And now, caregivers are called upon to stand up again, in a difficult period that could last for months. « The question is not just the material, but above all the arms, the skills.


The remark came from the President of the Region, Hervé Morin, a few days ago, at the microphone of our colleagues from France Bleu Normandie. In anticipation of the worsening situation in the intensive care units, which are particularly greedy in human resources and requiring very specific know-how, the management of the establishment has thus programmed a vast internal training plan. The other stake of this second wave, unlike the first, remains the continuity of other care. And therefore the need to ensure, there too, the necessary staff. What is not done without difficulty. «In fact, we are looking for nurses and orderlies in all areas , confirmed last week Loïc Delastre, the director of human resources of the establishment. This situation is encountered by all CHUs in France, as well as by the private sector, due to growing needs linked to the Covid crisis.


“If we don’t recruit, let’s stop scaring people away” If recruitments have been carried out since the summer (85 nurses and around fifty nursing assistants), nearly 120 positions remain to be filled at the moment, indicates the hospital center: 69 among nurses, 54 among nursing assistants. However, according to Loïc Delastre, the Rouen University Hospital is still facing « resource difficulties in the labor market»

. No wonder the unions are annoyed. For François His, of the CGT, working conditions, as well as the lack of financial and moral recognition, easily explain the lack of attractiveness of the hospital environment. When it is not a question of justifying his disaffection. « If we don’t recruit, let’s stop scaring the agents away» exclaims Jerome. « People are fed up : RTT are taken away from them, there is no flexibility for rest»

, adds her colleague Sylvie. As for the famous training courses supposed to supply the resuscitation units with personnel, they prove to be far too insufficient and hasty in the eyes of the nurse anesthetist. « Colleagues go into the private sector, or even change jobs» , assure the two hospital workers. Worse: according to this other CHU employee, « some nurses resign, then return to the CHU … on an interim basis ! At least they don’t have management pressure»


more and more difficult ” Within the management of the establishment, we are very far from sharing this observation of massive departures, while recognizing « the difficult backlash » post-first wave of Covid. On the other hand, it is impossible to dispute the lack of attractiveness of the hospital professions, although it is associated here with a structural phenomenon. « The constraints of the profession are more and more difficult to accept among the youngest» , underlines among other things the management of the CHU. However, whether in terms of leave, training and even salaries, the public hospital does not lack « added values»

, insists the establishment. The latter is also preparing to launch a recruitment campaign which should appear in the streets of Rouen in the coming days.

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