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COVID-19 Doesn’t Know Near-Distance, Health Experts: Going to Stalls You Must Use a Mask

Liputan6.com, Jakarta Discipline of using face mask must be done when leaving the house during the COVID-19 pandemic. Whether you go for a long distance or just a few steps out of the fence, such as to a shop, you still have to wear a mask.

“Don’t say near or far because COVID-19 doesn’t know people near and far. If you meet them at a shop, visitors can come from anywhere,” said public health expert Ede Surya Darmawan.

Precautions with continued wear face mask being outdoors is the best way to do it rather than having to be exposed to COVID-19 because you are a little careless.

“It is better for us to be vigilant and prevent it from having to find a place for treatment,” he said in a dialogue with BNPB on Friday (18/9/2020).

When someone is not disciplined in using a mask when outside the house, when he returns to the house, he inevitably has to wear a mask. This is done to prevent transmission of COVID-19, especially from people without symptoms to members in the house.

“When you are not fully sure about using a mask, it is advisable to use a mask inside the house, it can reduce the risk (of exposure to COVID-19),” said Ede.

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