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Covid-19: Delta variant progresses faster than Gamma in Brazil, but not dominant

The nursing technician Dulcinéia da Silva Lopes, 54 years old and Teresinha da conceição, 80 years old: the first two vaccinated in Rio de Janeiro (18.Jan.2021)
Photo: CNN Brasil

The Delta variant (B.1.617.2) of the new coronavirus advances in Brazil faster than the Gamma variant (P.1). Initially discovered in Manaus in December 2020, P.1 was present in 11.6% of the samples sequenced in Brazil that month. In January, when the state of Amazons suffered a collapse in health, the variant already represented 23.6% of the samples.

In other words, it doubled the frequency in just one month, according to data from the Fiocruz Genomic Network.
In June this year, when Delta was initially identified in the country, it accounted for 2.3% of confirmed cases of the disease. In July, the variant constituted 21.5% of the samples, a growth of more than nine times from one month to the next.

Despite the more gradual spread, P.1 is still the dominant variant in Brazil, present in at least 67% of the sequencing carried out in July. During the month of June, the variant came to present a predominance in 87% of the samples.

The researcher at the National Laboratory for Scientific Computing (LNCC), Alessandra Lamarca, explains that some variables must be taken into account before reaching any conclusion.

“The month of identification of the variant, for example, is not the month it entered the country. We believe that Gamma should have been in circulation since August or so. Another point is the volume of sequencing made, as of January, after the explosion of P.1, we started sequencing more.” explains the scientist.

Recently, a study by researchers linked to the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Imperial College found, for example, that the Delta variant is 97% more transmissible than the original coronavirus strain, which originated in China. According to researchers, this would also be a factor for the higher frequency of the variant, as it spreads more easily.

However, there are no studies that indicate a higher lethality rate for the strain. In Brazil, according to the Ministry of Health, the lethality rate of the variant is 5%.

*under the supervision of Helena Vieira

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