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Covid-19. Covid-19: teachers and agents tested at Courbet high school in Belfort

“Ah yes, you still stick it all in the nose. I understand better why I had a little pain this morning. »François Dupuis, principal of the Courbet high school in Belfort, was one of the first to be tested on Monday, December 7th.

For two days, his establishment hosts a campaign of antigenic tests intended for professors and agents, on a voluntary basis. This is the first screening campaign carried out in the department since the announcement of the gradual deployment of these rapid tests, at the end of November, in schools. But the second in the North Franche-Comté after that organized at the Armand-Peugeot high school in Valentigney, at the end of last week.

Nurses trained by BioAllan

This concerns the staff of the Courbet high school, but also those of the agricultural high school of Valdoie, the Goscinny college and schools in its area. “The scope of this campaign was defined according to the number of cases that we have observed since the start of the school year”, explains Isabelle Burggraf, nurse technical advisor to the academic director, Eugène Krantz, and referent for screening in the North Franche- County.

In a small wing, at the back of the school, the tests are carried out by three school nurses, members of the mobile team of the Urban Area: Nathalie Caubien (Lycée Courbet), Isabelle Rémy (Collège Chateaudun) and Delphine Bart ( Tillion and Mandela High Schools). All three followed a day of training with BioAllan laboratory samplers. “The first time, we dread a little. But it is ultimately a fairly easy gesture. You just need to be tactful so as not to hurt, ”emphasizes Isabelle Rémy.

Want to reassure

For this first day, they received around twenty people, who came mainly to reassure themselves with this test, the result of which is available in less than 30 minutes. ” I live in my parents’ house. My dad is diabetic, so no one at risk. That way, I’m sure I won’t endanger him, ”says Laura, education assistant. She tested negative like everyone who braved the swab test on Monday.

Another campaign will be carried out Thursday and Friday at the Institution Sainte-Marie. It will concern private establishments and the Rimbaud college in Belfort.

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