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Covid-19: Corona numbers rising – Minister advises wearing a mask

Hannover – In view of the rising number of corona cases, Lower Saxony’s Health Minister Andreas Philippi advises caution. “It’s not back, it was never really gone,” the SPD politician told the German Press Agency in Hanover. However, the virus has changed a lot in its nature. Anyone who gets sick today has a runny nose, a bit of a cough and a headache for two days. “Some people still go to work, which I don’t support at all,” said Philippi.

The Lower Saxony State Health Office (NLGA) is currently recording increasing numbers of reported corona infections. According to the information, the 7-day reporting incidence last week was 8.3 – the value is slightly higher than at the same time last year (7.8). The number indicates widespread infection throughout the country, it said: “The real incidence will be higher, since testing and reporting is only carried out on a case-by-case basis.”

More and more sick notes due to Corona

There is also an increase in the number of certificates of incapacity for work due to corona disease. Corona is detected in one in ten samples from a patient with a respiratory disease. “This figure has risen continuously in recent weeks,” it said.

“People are no longer taking the virus seriously, which is normal to a certain extent,” said Philippi. As a result, not much testing is being done anymore. But Corona is here. There is a newer variant that is highly contagious, but ultimately quite harmless. But soon, said the minister, the first waves of colds and flu will arrive. That’s why it’s smart to have a few masks in your drawer at home.

NLGA President: Majority of the population protected

The NLGA assumes that there will be a seasonal increase in corona infections in autumn and winter, as was the case last year. However, the majority of the population is now protected from serious illnesses through vaccinations and previous infections, explained NLGA President Fabian Feil. This means that there is no longer any danger of the health system becoming overloaded.

Nevertheless, a corona infection can be severe in individual cases, especially in people with pre-existing conditions and older people. “The recommended booster vaccinations for older people, people with an increased risk of serious illness and medical and nursing staff should therefore definitely be taken,” said Feil.

Minister recommends wearing masks

Everyone can help to avoid infection. “A cold should be cured at home and contact with other people should be avoided,” the NLGA said. If contact with other people cannot be avoided, wearing a mask helps to protect those around you. In general, good hand hygiene, i.e. regular hand washing, should be observed.

“Fortunately, we don’t need a requirement, but wearing a mask makes sense in certain situations to protect yourself from viruses,” stressed Minister Philippi. He recommends wearing a mask especially during the cold season in places like the train or the supermarket. “And especially when you come into contact with elderly people or people in poor health.”

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