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Covid-19: Chartres hospital under pressure, no deprogramming of operations in Dreux

In Chartres Hospitals

The activity at the Louis-Pasteur hospital in Coudray, near Chartres is very supported in critical care, according to Yvon Le Tilly, deputy director of the Hospitals of Chartres. The hospital has also had to, as in many hospital structures, deprogram non-urgent operations. 40% of planned operations were deprogrammed, according to hospital management.

Coronavirus: trends in Eure-et-Loir, France and around the world

Fifteen beds were occupied this afternoon in intensive care of the eighteen that make up the unit, specifies the management. Out of 38 beds dedicated to receiving patients in reserved hospital beds, 29 are hospitalized in a Covid unit and eight in other hospital departments, particularly in areas reserved for cardiology.

“In general, we have the capacity to welcome patients with Covid-19. Their number is down compared to last week. “

Yvon Le Tilly (Questions about miracles)

No deprogramming in Dreux

“Conversely, the activity is particularly strong in intensive care. Last week, there was such tension on the resuscitation beds that it was necessary to refer three or four patients without Covid-19 to external resuscitation services, in particular in Rambouillet (Yvelines) and Massy (Essonne) , in order to free up space, ”reveals Yvon Le Tiily, specifying that“ each patient transfer is always done on a case-by-case basis ”.

With the health crisis, Eure-et-Loir and Yvelines are asserting themselves as refuge areas

The hospital now welcomes patients who are younger than before, 50-60 years old, sometimes severely affected, and most of the time victims of co-morbidities.

Another notable change is that the length of hospital stay is generally shorter. “We no longer welcome elderly people who come from nursing homes. It is the result of the vaccination of approximately 80% of this public. We can see the immediate impact of vaccination, ”says the deputy director. At the beginning of February, 80% of patients were over 75 years old and 60% came from nursing home.

At Dreux hospital

The latest figures announced by the management of the Dreux hospital show stability in the ranks of Covid-19 patients. We are far from the saturation experienced in infectious disease units and intensive care units in Paris hospitals.

This Thursday, March 18, the Victor-Jousselin hospital center had twenty-three patients in care units and six in intensive care. No resident of one of the hospital’s nursing homes showed symptoms of the disease on Thursday.

A stability that allows the hospital to escape the deprogramming of interventions and care outside of Covid. An end to which the management of the Dreux hospital has escaped since the resumption of the epidemic in October 2020 and which it wants to avoid by all means.

Valérie Beaudoin and François Feuilleux

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