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COVID-19 cases surge in the country: Ministry of Health

According to data from the Ministry of Health, COVID-19 cases have increased; during the week of July 15-21, the number of people who tested positive grew by 36%; therefore, it recommended that the population take preventive measures.

COVID-19 cases have rebounded according to data from the Ministry of Health. During the week of July 15-21, the number of people who tested positive increased by 36 percent. How should companies act in this situation? And even, the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) confirmed the increase in positive cases of COVID-19.

For this reason, he recommended that the population resume wearing face masks as a preventive measure, despite the fact that hospital occupancy and mortality remain at low levels, according to the latest report from the University Program on Epidemiological and Emerging Risks.

In a statement, The institution indicated that the number of cases increases the demand for health services, in addition to causing absenteeism, health expenses, and inappropriate consumption of antibiotics and other medications.

“In addition, as long as the virus is in circulation, the risk of the generation of new viral variants increases, so people who get sick with Covid-19 are more likely to have other illnesses that they suffer from become unbalanced, or have sequelae that affect their health,” reported.

Will social distancing measures return to offices?

Sergio Aguilar, executive director of the firm Unmetra and specialist in occupational health, says that It is up to the Ministry of Health to alert when stricter measures should be taken. However, the specialist believes that it is important for companies to consider a diagnosis of health risks.

“In reality, what the pandemic taught us was how to start thinking, after this diagnosis, about a management system for the risks we face,” explains.

Sergio Aguilar believes that a series of actions must be taken based on this diagnosis, but they should never be carried out in isolation. According to the specialist, the diagnosis of health risks helps companies to identify which are the high-risk points for the probability of contagion of an infectious disease.

He warns that this entire process should be in place, not because there is an increase in Covid-19 cases at this time. “It should be part of a management system.”

Steps to follow

  • Generate a risk diagnosis in the company.
  • Based on this, all preventive measures or programs are established, and even health filters are established.
  • Health surveillance to establish possible infections, as well as monitoring of confirmed cases.
  • Covid-19 is here to stay, measures must be permanent

Heriberto Pérez González Arango, president of the National Federation of Occupational Health (Fenestac), says that many companies continue with the preventive measures that were put in place during the COVID-19 pandemic.

“There are many companies that have not strictly withdrawn from Covid-19 prevention measures, such as the use of antibacterial gel, frequent hand washing, and testing to detect possible cases,” refers.

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