Epidemiological weeks 11 and 12 – 03/12/23 TO 03/25/23 – Cases of covid-19
This document corresponds to a new stage in the surveillance of covid-19 where the prioritized strategies include the surveillance of SARI with a confirmed result of SARS-COV-2, deceased cases of COVID-19 and Outbreaks of Acute Respiratory Disease.
Number of confirmed cases in the period from 03/12/23 to 03/25/23: 1.101
Active cases as of 03/25/23: 608
Number of confirmed cases accumulated as of 03/25/23: 1.036.159 (12 cases from previous weeks reported late are included)
Number of tests carried out in the period from 03/12/23 to 03/25/23: 14.432
% of positive tests in the period from 03/12/23 to 03/25/23: 7,6%
Number of deaths in the period from 03/12/23 to 03/25/23: 2
Number of accumulated deceased cases as of 03/25/23: 7.621
% of ITC beds occupied as of 03/25/23: 56,3%
% of CTI beds occupied by COVID as of 03/25/23: 0,8%
Table 1. New cases and deceased cases of COVID-19 per day. Uruguay, 03/12/23 TO 03/25/23.
Date |
No. of new cases |
No. of deaths |
12/3/2023 |
17 |
0 |
13/3/2023 |
125 |
0 |
14/3/2023 |
121 |
0 |
15/3/2023 |
105 |
0 |
16/3/2023 |
102 |
1 |
17/3/2023 |
60 |
1 |
18/3/2023 |
51 |
0 |
19/3/2023 |
42 |
0 |
20/3/2023 |
96 |
0 |
21/3/2023 |
67 |
0 |
22/3/2023 |
95 |
0 |
23/3/2023 |
90 |
0 |
24/3/2023 |
92 |
0 |
25/3/2023 |
38 |
0 |
Fuente: Prepared by the Health Surveillance Department with data from the SG-DEVISA Management System and Electronic Death Certificate. Ministry of Public Health.
This document corresponds to a new stage in the surveillance of COVID-19 where the prioritized strategies include the surveillance of SARI with a confirmed result of SARS-COV-2, deceased COVID-19 cases and outbreaks of Acute Respiratory Disease.
Fuentes: Prepared by the Department of Health Surveillance with data from the SG-DEVISA Management System, Electronic Death Certificate and Electronic Government BI of the Ministry of Public Health and data from the Monitor of Beds and Resources of the Integral Monitor of Risks and Affectations (MIRA) of the National Emergency System.
Additional information: As of 03/25/23, the total number of people admitted to CTI with a positive SARS-CoV-2 test is 6 people.