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Covid-19 by county. Sintra and Lisbon register the biggest increases in the last 24 hours

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Data released this Thursday, in the daily epidemiological bulletin of the Directorate-General for Health (DGS), reveal that there are 307 Portuguese municipalities with at least three confirmed cases of Covid-19.

According to the same document, in the last 24 hours, there were 310 new cases across the country. However, the data referring to the municipalities, account for only 91% of these new daily cases. THE Renaissance, the General Directorate of Health states that “there are always correct data in municipalities, either due to delay in notification or due to the relocation of the user in the area of ​​residence”.

The director of the infectious disease service at Hospital Curry Cabral had already admitted, also in an interview to Renascença, delays in the registration of data at SINAVE.

Sintra (+48), Lisbon (+38), Loures (+21) and Amadora (+21) are the municipalities with the highest increase in infections in the last 24 hours, according to the DGS list. According to the same bulletin, 41 counties register at least one more confirmed case of Covid-19 compared to the previous day and nine counties add up to more than one thousand infected – Lisbon, Vila Nova de Gaia, Sintra, Porto, Matosinhos, Braga, Loures, Gondomar and Amadora.

Knowing that the accounting will not be relative to the total number of cases – nor will it simultaneously monitor the data reported by the municipalities – DGS opted to provide only data from SINAVE, the national epidemiological surveillance system (91% of the total confirmed cases).

Lisbon occupies the top of the table with a total of 2,789 infected with the new coronavirus. Sintra (1,802) was the municipality that registered the greatest increase in daily cases, surpassing, since last Monday, Vila Nova de Gaia (1,592), in the total number of confirmed cases of infection. 267 counties maintain the number of infected compared to the previous day.

This Thursday, Portugal has seven more dead and 310 patients with Covid-19 (plus 0.9%).

According to the epidemiological bulletin released by the Directorate-General for Health, 91% of new cases were identified in the region of Lisbon and the Tagus Valley.

The total number of cases now stands at 35,910 and the number of deaths at 1,504. One more barrier is overcome with regard to the number of deaths: that of 1,500.

The overall lethality rate remains at 4.2%; the same rate in patients over 70 years old is 17.5%.

Compared to Wednesday’s figures, there are two fewer hospitalized patients, but with no change as regards those in intensive care (70).

According to the director-general of Health, at the moment there are now only “two children hospitalized and none in intensive care units”. Hospital D. Estefânia had 14 children hospitalized, two in intensive care. In the beginning of the month, were already less and the evolution has been positive.

With regard to recovered people, they total 22,002 – this Thursday 260 more than yesterday. It means that the active cases are now 12,404, 43 more than on Wednesday.

Women continue to be more affected by the new coronavirus than men: a total of 20,320 to 15,590. With regard to age groups, it is the people between 30 and 59 years of age who most contract Covid-19.

However, it is the population over the age of 80 who is less resistant to the disease and also more women than men.

By region, Lisbon and the Tagus Valley is where the number of cases rises the most, although in total it is not the one with the most confirmed cases. This place continues to belong to the North region, with 17,007 (in the LVT there are 14,161).

Next are the Centro region, the Algarve and the Alentejo, and then the Autonomous Regions of the Azores and Madeira.

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