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Covid-19: at school, college or high school, students in Nièvre are not tested in the same way

Antigenic tests for the “big ones” of middle and high schools, saliva tests for the “little ones” of elementary schools. And nothing for the “toddlers” of nursery schools: here is the Covid-19 screening program in Nièvre.

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Antigenic tests

Begun in the heart of winter, antigenic tests are currently continuing in middle and high schools in Nièvre.

For example, in the week of March 15 to 19, antigen tests were offered to high school students in Alain-Colas and Raoul-Follereau, in Nevers. These tests are carried out on a voluntary basis, with the authorization of both parents.

Difficult, however, for the academic inspectorate to give a precise timetable for the interventions of the “brigade” of school nurses who work for these tests: “We do according to emergencies”, explains Pascale Niquet-Petipas, academic inspector. If a few positive cases are detected here or there, the system is deployed as quickly as possible within the establishment.

Series of tests are carried out every week, “to have a broad spectrum at a time M”, comments the academic inspector.

Saliva tests

For schoolchildren, the system is different. These are saliva tests, carried out at children’s homes. The families collect the complete kit the day before at school and bring it back the next morning.

In the meantime, the children will have spat into a small jar, which will have been previously labeled with all the necessary information by one of the three laboratories participating in this vast operation (Evorial, Bio + and Maymat).

To waste a minimum of time, the National Education asks, even before the tests arrive in a school, parental authorization. “We have the agreement of 60 to 90% of the parents”, affirms Pascale Niquet-Petipas

In the event of a positive test, the laboratory contacts the family directly. If the test is negative, the family is informed by email or letter. No need for parents to phone the laboratories, which are already overwhelmed …

“The national education services are not aware of who is positive or who is not,” emphasizes Pascale Niquet-Petitpas. “We have overall test feedback, but not nominal feedback.”

By Friday March 26, 2,498 schoolchildren, to which must be added 319 National Education staff and 79 community staff, will be tested.

Vaccination and tests: free acts but at a cost

A panel of five establishments

In addition, a panel of five establishments was set up for a territorial epidemiological study: the schools of Saint-Éloi and Prémery, the colleges of Fourchambault and Prémery and the professional high school Pierre-Bérégovoy of Fourchambault.

On this panel, saliva tests are carried out every two weeks, until further notice.

Kindergartens are not tested

Too hard for kindergarten children to “spit” properly. So saliva tests are not offered at this level.

“As soon as there is a positive case, the whole class must isolate themselves for seven days”, specifies the academic inspector.

Laure Brunet

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