Home » today » World » Covid-19. Argentina announces end of “eternal quarantine” in Buenos Aires and bet on the Russian vaccine

Covid-19. Argentina announces end of “eternal quarantine” in Buenos Aires and bet on the Russian vaccine

“It is time for the Buenos Aires metropolitan area, which has been in compulsory isolation since the first day, now go through a phase of social detachment,” announced President Alberto Fernández from the official residence.

“In the metropolitan area of ​​Buenos Aires, we have eight consecutive weeks of falling in contagions. The number of cases is less than half what it was eight weeks ago ”, explained Fernández to justify the end of the“ eternal quarantine ”starting on Monday, after 233 days of isolation (since March 20), in what is considered the longest quarantine in the world.

However, the President made it clear that “the problem is not overcome” and that the end of isolation in the most important region of the country, which involves the Argentine capital and ten other neighboring municipalities, totaling 16 million people, does not mean that all restrictions have ended.

“This new phase basically authorizes to circulate without authorization, but public transport will remain exclusive for essential activities. In addition, a series of activities will remain restricted ”, clarified the President, indicating that the measures will be valid until November 29, when they will be reassessed.

Activities that involve agglomerations such as theater, cinema and shows in closed spaces will remain prohibited. Bars and restaurants can open parts that have natural ventilation and the internal occupancy cannot exceed 25% of the maximum capacity.

However, in another ten of the country’s 24 provinces, quarantine continues.

“This best time in the metropolitan area of ​​Buenos Aires is not for the whole country. In the departments of ten provinces, isolation continues. These are provinces where contagions are stable or on the rise. We try to restrict circulation as much as possible ”, warned the head of state.

This morning, Alberto Fernández had a long telephone conversation with the President of the Russian Federation, Vladimir Putin. The heart of the conversation was an agreement for millions of Russian vaccines to arrive in Argentina starting in December, when the country plans to start a mass vaccination.

“We are working to approve the vaccine if it is in a position to be approved. We will dedicate all our effort to prepare the vaccination process from the end of December, ”announced Alberto Fernández in what he classified as“ the epic of putting an end to the virus through the vaccine ”.

According to the President, Argentina managed to supply 10 million vaccines (20 million doses in two stages). And in the face of strong doubts about the quality of the Russian vaccine, Alberto Fernández replied that “no one can doubt the technical quality of those who produce them”.

“Vaccines have a very high level of technical and scientific quality in all cases”, guaranteed the Argentine President.

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