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Covid-19, another difficulty for young teachers

For teachers, the start of their careers has never been easy. Combine internship and training, discover the world of the class while validating the end of his studies … But with the pandemic linked to the coronavirus, young teachers are entering an institution tossed about to the rhythm of confinements and changes in health policy .

The first difficulty, cited by all the teachers in training interviewed, is the impossibility of sharing their experience with other students. The year of the master 2 – when trainee teachers combine classroom teaching and training in the National Higher Institutes of Teaching and Education (Inspé) – is particularly delicate..

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“The fact of exchanging with other students allows us to share feelings, but also to play down and realize that we are not the only ones experiencing difficulties”, Thus testifies Fannie, received in the Spanish capes in 2019 and who postponed his year of internship by one year. From her experience in a college in Angers, the young woman of 25 can hardly discuss. “Remote exchange has its limits. If I have a quick question to ask a trainer, you have to write an email right away … We don’t necessarily take the time, whereas in face-to-face, we would have challenged on the subject and obtained immediate feedback. ” As for the teachers’ room at its host institution, exchanges are also reduced there, Covid-19 requires.

“Improvised exchanges have disappeared”

All these “little moments”, like informal conversations, are sorely missed by young teachers. “Research shows that peer-to-peer exchanges behind the scenes of training are essential”, abounds Pierre Perier, professor of educational sciences at Rennes-II University and specialist in entry into the teaching career. “In these moments, the trainees dare to talk about problems that they will not bring up in front of their trainer or their tutor. “

“The video lessons allow you to deliver the important message, but improvised exchanges have disappeared, also testifies a trainer of life and earth sciences (SVT) of the academy of Créteil who wishes to remain anonymous. However, it is in these less framed moments that the students dare to express their questions and their doubts. “

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For the trainees received in 2020, this is the second year under the sign of Covid-19: in the spring, the oral examinations for the various teacher recruitment competitions (school teacher, capes, aggregation) had been canceled in favor of only writings. “Some of the modules have been removed, says a teacher-trainee, who does not wish to be cited. As there was no more oral, the Inspé considered that that was enough. But we are entering the profession having had fewer courses. “

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