Home » Health » COVID-19 and Flu Vaccination Campaigns in Autumn 2023: Where to Get Vaccinated and Who Should Get Vaccinated?

COVID-19 and Flu Vaccination Campaigns in Autumn 2023: Where to Get Vaccinated and Who Should Get Vaccinated?

A new COVID-19 vaccination campaign will start from mid-September 2023, followed by the annual flu vaccination campaign from mid-October.

Where can you get vaccinated?
The vaccinations will be administered through the primary health sector during the autumn period 2023. General practitioners, but also some pharmacists and home nurses will administer the vaccinations. The primary care zone of North Limburg facilitates consultation between all healthcare providers involved in order to achieve an efficient vaccination campaign.
How do you know when to get vaccinated?
Invitations for vaccination are no longer sent by the Flemish government. From September you can set a vaccination time in consultation with your healthcare provider.

Who is vaccination recommended for?
A COVID vaccination is recommended for people most at risk of becoming seriously ill:
o everyone from the age of 65
o persons who stay in a care facility for a long period of time, such as in residential care centres
o individuals with certain underlying health conditions such as lung or heart disease
o all persons with weakened resistance
o pregnant women
o all persons working in the healthcare sector in and outside healthcare institutions.

Influenza vaccination is also recommended for these individuals. Vaccination is not specifically recommended for other individuals, but you are free to get vaccinated.

Other Precautions
In addition to vaccination, there are a few good habits to prevent you or other people from becoming infected with respiratory diseases:
o Wash your hands regularly with soap and water.
o Ventilate places where you are together with many people.
o Coughing and sneezing? Use a tissue paper and throw it away. No handkerchief? Sneeze into your elbow.
o Sick? Then stay home. Wear a mouth mask if you do go on public transport or in busy places.

Do you want to know more? You can read everything about vaccination www.laatjevaccineren.be

2023-08-07 18:09:02
#vaccinated #fall #Internetgazet

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