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Covid-19: according to a study the virus causes a chronic disease of the most unexpected

The side effects due to Covid-19 are constantly increasing and the latest discovery? The virus would cause people already predisposed to develop a chronic disease. Since the beginning of the pandemic, we have constantly made the link between diabetes and the virus, this pathology makes it more susceptible to severe forms of the coronavirus. If we ask people affected by this disease to be more vigilant, we had not seen the side effect of Covid-19 arrive, which causes a person to develop diabetes who was not diabetes before having contracted the virus.

Covid-19: this close link between diabetes and the virus

It was in a German diabetes center that scientists made the finding. To understand the link between diabetes and Covid-19, researchers analyzed data from 35,000 coronavirus-positive patients. This observation led to the conclusion that people who develop mild covid are more predisposed to trigger type 2 diabetes. In the review Diabetologyin which the study is published, it is explained that the Analyzes have shown that patients who contracted a mild form more frequently developed type 2 diabetes than people with another acute upper respiratory infection (15.8 versus 12.3 per 1000 people per year). The relative risk of developing diabetes was therefore 28% higher in the Covid-19 group..

Covid-19: this is how the virus acts on the body to give rise to this side effect

This study explains this phenomenon by the influence of Covid-19 on the pancreas and this would tend to disrupt blood sugar. The researchers also gave as an explanation that the virus damages the beta cells which are responsible for the creation of insulin, so they end up dying or functioning differently. The result of this change? Acute hyperglycemia which can lead to the development of insulin-dependent diabetes. However, Professor Wolfgang Rathmann, one of the authors of the study warns against these results, the virus is still under observation and its side effects may be ephemeral. In any case, the researcher underlines the fact that we cannot advance the fact that the pathology will be irreversible, “ since the patients were only followed for three months, further follow-up is needed to understand if type 2 diabetes after mild Covid-19 is only temporary and can be reversed after they fully recover, or if it leads to chronic disease.”

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