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COVID-19: a 12th death at the CHSLD Villa-Bonheur in Granby

The hecatomb continues at CHSLD Villa-Bonheur in Granby, where a 12th resident succumbed to COVID-19 on Friday.

In total, therefore, 86 of the 96 residents have been infected to date, which represents nothing less than 90% of the users of the establishment.

That’s not to mention the 81 employees who were also affected by the disease.

“The situation is critical. It is obvious that we need reinforcement and help from the outside, ”said an employee on Friday who wished to remain anonymous.

“Seeing our colleagues fall like this is really not normal,” he added during a conversation on the phone with VAT News.

The mayor of Granby, Pascal Bonin, is also worried. It is hard to understand why we have come to this.

“Honestly, it really hurts because these are people we know,” said Bonin. And what we wonder is if someone will react? How many deaths will it take? How many outbreaks? ”

Pascal Bonin is very critical of the health authorities of the Eastern Townships who, according to him, have let down its citizens since the start of the pandemic.

“The figures for Villa-Bonheur, in my opinion, reflect the nonchalance of the CIUSSS de l’Estrie-CHUS in relation to the City of Granby.”

By email, the Integrated University Health and Social Services Center (CIUSSS) of Estrie-CHUS confirms that the situation is under control, but precarious, particularly in terms of the availability of human resources during the weekend

We must indeed use all the strategies at our disposal to ensure that we have the required human resources until several employees return to work next Monday after their period of isolation following the outbreak. .

Employees tell us that, shortly after the outbreak began, they asked for the Canadian Armed Forces or even the Red Cross to be called in.

In a press briefing Monday, the CIUSSS said that the army was not an option and that the Red Cross was occupied elsewhere.

The CHSLD Villa-Bonheur is nevertheless at the top of the list of critical CHSLDs in Quebec.

When we look at the situation when the Red Cross was deployed in Lac-Mégantic and Victoriaville at the start of the week, we see that their respective situation was much less critical than in Granby.

Health authorities will take stock on Monday.

In the meantime, they have decided to ban the visit of family caregivers.

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