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Covert work: trial opened by former transporter Gefco

The former French carrier Gefco on trial from Monday by the criminal court of Vesoul for benefiting from an illegal system of temporary workers from Eastern Europe, employed in France under unacceptable conditions. The company specializing in the transport of cars Gefco, which bought the sea transporter CMA CGM in 2022 and integrated into its subsidiary Ceva Logistics, appears for activities of “using the services of an undercover person” committed between July 2014 and February 2018 in Noidans-les-Vesoul, in Haute-Saône. A Polish company and five executives from transport companies established in France, Poland or Slovakia appear with him “Organized gang carrying out covert operations” etc “submit many vulnerable people to undignified working conditions”.

Investigations carried out by the Central Office for Combating Illegal Work (OCLTI) revealed an illegal system of subcontracting labor to Eastern European countries, allowing the companies that is to overcome the French regulations and to pay less social costs. “The challenge for these business leaders was to escape from paying their social security contributions in France. “explained Vesoul’s prosecutor at the time of the charges in 2021, Emmanuel Dupic. Following a report from the Dreal (Regional Directorate for the Environment, Planning and Housing), the gendarmerie found 35 Slovak and Polish drivers who were traveling “in inappropriate circumstances” on a supply base in Quincey (Haute-Saône), near Vesoul, explained the magistrate, waking “very dilapidated bungalows with water seeping in, sewage and moldy smells”. Those accused face three years in prison and a fine of 45,000 euros. The companies concerned risk a fine of 225,000 euros, he said.

“As a civil party, we deny actions like this, if confirmed, which will cause great harm to the transport profession and cause very low prices through social dumping. “explained to AFP Blandine Tatin, secretary general of the European Road Transport Organization (OTRE) Franche-Comté Bourgogne, who would like to carry out this test “example”. Urssaf Franche-Comte and five former employees also filed a civil lawsuit. The hearing before the Vesoul criminal court is scheduled for Thursday or Friday.

2024-10-14 07:14:00
#Covert #work #trial #opened #transporter #Gefco

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