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Couserans hospital: emergencies closed on the morning of November 18

Since the evening of November 17, and until 2 p.m. this Thursday, November 18, the emergency rooms of the St-Girons hospital center do not welcome the public.

“Today, the emergency department of our dear local hospital, the CHAC, is closed”. It is with these words that begins the press release signed by the “nursing team”, who are not on strike but on sick leave. Nurses and caregivers believe that the values ​​associated with their work, « respect, kindness, listening, taking care of the other … today these values ​​are flouted “.

The picture they portray is gloomy. « The reality of caregivers today it’s no longer having the means to take care of people, no longer having the time to listen to our patients, no longer have the time and enough arms to change the couchand persolder children. We are ashamed to write such things, but we have to face the facts: in the emergency room, we are frustrated to have to welcome patients in front of a door, in a corridor, to ask the reason for coming in front of others. patients. Where is the respect for people? “

Lack of staff, exhaustion of teams, reminder of rest days, schedule changes, “Injunctions to come to work”, canceled training … are also listed among the reasons for the exhaustion of these caregivers, who today feel “Abandoned”, with no prospect of a future improvement.

According to our information, the activity of the SMUR, linked to vital emergencies, remains assured.

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