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Court Rules Father Can Vaccinate Son Against Mother’s Wishes in Spain’s Murcia Province

MURCIA. The Provincial Court of Murcia has dismissed the appeal of a woman against the resolution of the first instance court that authorized the vaccination against the covid of her 10-year-old son that her ex-husband had requested.

In a resolution against which there is no appeal, it indicates that when resolving the controversy raised on this issue in the exercise of parental authority, the court attributed the power to decide on vaccination to the father provided he had the medical prescription and the pediatrician indicated the corresponding treatment.

The decision was appealed by the motherwho opposed it, provided documentation according to which, in his opinion, it would cause the minor more damage than benefits and pointed out that the court had not taken into account the obligation to have informed consent.

The Court, with the support of the prosecutor, affirms that it cannot be taken for granted that the vaccine is a danger to the child, since the documents provided by the parent “lack a sufficient and credible scientific basis“.

He stresses that vaccines are controlled by important organizations such as the World Health Organization and the European Medicines Agency and have been shown to be an effective and necessary way to combat the virus, with which what was resolved by the court responds “clearly and clearly ” to the best interests of the minor and weigh their own, family and public health spheres.

He comments that the coroner who reported on the matter in this judicial proceeding considered it convenient and recommendable that the child receive the complete regimen and the complementary doses of reinforcement.

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