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Court overturned confinement and the bars soon filled. ″ It’s the Wild West ″

It only took a few hours for everything to change in Wisconsin, the American state that saw the State Supreme Court annul the governed orderr location to maintain mandatory confinement. The bars were filled with people without a mask, as if nothing was happening in terms of public health with the outbreak of covid-19. “We are the wild West,” said the dissatisfied Democratic governor of the state, now without the power to enact isolation measures.

On Wednesday night, in downtown Platteville, reports The Washington Post, Nick’s bar was full. The Hollies song “Long Cool Woman in a Black Dress” was playing and a bartender picked up the camera. In a broadcast on Twitter, the room was full of customers without a mask, huddled together. Some clapped, in a scene so joyful that they seemed to be celebrating the end of the worst pandemic in a century.. All over the state, identical scenes were recorded, with crowded bars, as shown by local TV’s.

But people like Governor Tony Evers (Democrat) know that it is not so and that the bar’s customers were just celebrating the apparent end of their power over the population, at least for now.

“We are the wild west,” Tony Evers told MSNBC on Wednesday night, reacting to the decision of the state Supreme Court and scenes of people partying in bars across Wisconsin. “There are no restrictions in the entire state of Wisconsin. There is nothing to get people to do anything but bring chaos.”

Shortly after the conservative majority of the court issued a decision, with the vote of 4 to 3 judges, invalidating the extension of the stay-at-home order issued by Evers’ state health chief, the Tavern League of Wisconsin, a bar association, instructed its members to be free to “Open Immediately!”

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