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Court ordered preventive detention for those accused of explosive attacks

In preventive detention they remained Francisco Solar and Mónica Caballero, prosecuted and acquitted of the “I bomb case”, in 2012, after being formalized, in a long telematic hearing, this Friday in the 11th Guarantee Court for a series of explosive attacks in the capital.

Solar is imputed by mailing of pump packages on July 25, 2019, to the former minister Rodrigo Hinzpeter at the offices of the Quiñenco group, and at the 54th Police Station in Huechuraba.

The device that was going to the former secretary of state was deactivated in time by the Group of Special Police Operations (GOPE), while the other exploded, seriously injuring Major Manuel Guzmán.

Also, Both Solar and Caballero are charged by the placement of two explosives in the Tánica building (ex Transoceánica), located on Santa María de Vitacura Avenue, in February of this year.

In the virtual hearing, they were charged with crimes of violation of the Law on Weapons and Explosives, in addition to a crime of violation of Law 20,000 on Drugs, since a large amount of marijuana was found in the woman’s home.

The Public Ministry requested the preventive detention of both defendants, something to which the magistrate Mónica Vergara agreed after a marathon day.

Meanwhile, Vergara did not accept the request to dictate an investigation period of one year and estimated six months to do so.

Solar will comply with the precautionary measure in the capital’s high-security prison, while Caballero was referred to the San Miguel preventive detention center.

Security cameras and shipments with false name

The Prosecutor General’s Office exposed a large amount of evidence in the formalization, such as security cameras that place Solar and Caballero in the places of the events.

The persecutor Claudio Orellana He detailed that “the accused Francisco Solar sent, using the identity of Sandra Mutis Tapia, two parcels containing each one containing an explosive device, built in such a way that it was activated by the opening of the parcel by its recipient “.

“One of the parcels was sent to Manuel Guzmán Hernández, the senior police officer; the second parcel was sent to Rodrigo Hinzpeter, a parcel that did not open, and the explosive device managed to be deactivated by GOPE personnel,” he said.

Both went convicted of placing an explosive device in the Basilica del Pilar, in Zaragoza, Spain. After serving their sentence in that country, and after getting married in prison, both were deported and they returned to Chile in March 2017.

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