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Court negotiates on site – SWR Aktuell

In the dispute over the Loreley open-air stage, the judges of the Higher Regional Court negotiated directly on site in Sankt Goarshausen on Thursday. Among other things, it was about an expert opinion on the renovation.

At the court date of the Koblenz Higher Regional Court (OLG), the judges wanted to get an idea of ​​the condition of the stage on the world-famous rock on the Middle Rhine. The lessee of the Loreley open-air stage, the town of Sankt Goarshausen as lessor of the stage and the appraiser were also present. An out-of-court settlement between the parties to the dispute had previously failed.

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Point of contention: Renovation of the Loreley open-air stage

At the on-site visit, all sides were heard again. The leaseholder of the open-air theater has been criticizing technical defects for years and has therefore reduced his lease payments to the city of St. Goarshausen. The Higher Regional Court has commissioned an expert opinion. It should clarify how well the renovation of the open-air stage actually succeeded.

The dispute over the Loreley open-air stage has been going on for several years. With the hearing on Thursday, the verdict should come closer: It should be announced in about two to three weeks. But it is unclear whether this will really bring peace to the broken lease on the Loreley plateau.

Dispute over Loreley open-air stage bad star for BUGA 2029

The planning of the Federal Garden Show 2029 become. The lease for the stage runs for a year longer, until 2030. Under normal circumstances, the Loreley open-air stage would be the ideal location for major events during the BUGA on the Middle Rhine.

From today’s perspective, it is not possible to assess whether there will actually be a cooperation with BUGA GmbH. It has long been said that the plateau would be big enough for an additional mobile stage.

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