Home » today » Business » Court Authorizes Convicted Murderer of Photographer Jose Luis Cabezas to Practice as a Lawyer

Court Authorizes Convicted Murderer of Photographer Jose Luis Cabezas to Practice as a Lawyer

The court authorized Gustavo Prellezoone of the photographer’s murderers Jose Luis Cabezasto practice as a lawyer. The former police officer obtained the title when he was serving his life sentence for the crime committed in 1997. The Bar Association had excluded him from registration, but this Wednesday the Administrative Litigation Chamber reversed the decision.

Gabriel Michiganthe journalist who together with Cabezas covered for News the season in Pinamar when the crime occurred, made public the court’s decision to enable Prellezo “to practice as a lawyer, after rejecting the decision of the Disciplinary Committee of the Public College of Lawyers of the Federal Capital to remove his registration for hide his conviction.


2023-07-13 11:19:28
#Justice #authorized #murderer #Cabezas #practice #lawyer

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