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Courier service sent live cats and dogs as parcels

So-called “blind boxes” are currently in trend around the world. On Internet platforms, customers can buy a box whose contents they do not yet know. Only when the package arrives is it revealed whether it is toys, books or other items. Basically like a surprise bag that is delivered straight to your home.

Several animal traders in China have now jumped on this trend. They sold “blind boxes” with live animals for only 1.20 euros, reports “The Standard“.

On the sales platforms Taobao, Pinduoduo and Xianyu, people from China were able to order their “surprise boxes”, which were then delivered by the “ZTO” courier service. For delivery, the animals, which were mostly puppies and baby cats, were put in small cages that were wrapped in a cloth.

Animal rights activists find packages with 160 dogs and cats

Animal rights activists from China have been criticizing the cruel practice of sometimes sending animals 1,000 kilometers in parcels for a long time. Now they made a shocking find in the warehouse of the courier company involved. There they found 160 small dogs and cats in the “surprise boxes” that barked and meowed miserably.

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Four of the animals were already dead when the animal rights activists arrived. Several others suffered from serious illnesses and had to be treated quickly. The company “ZTO” now wants to examine the case and no longer deliver any live animals in the future. Nevertheless, it is still possible with other providers to send animals as a package, the animal rights activists told “The Standard”.

Animals can also be sent in Germany – but only under strict conditions. For example, there are special requirements for the transport boxes of mammals such as dogs or cats with which the animal hauliers are allowed to transport them.

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