Home » today » Business » Couple outraged by friend’s homeless party praised online

Couple outraged by friend’s homeless party praised online

A woman has asked online if she is being unreasonable by not wanting to attend a party to celebrate her friend’s mortgage payment.

User Nannasofffiraapint took to Mumsnet to express her frustration with her friend for hosting this party, when she believes she has received a huge amount of financial support from her family.

She writes, “She never had to pay for a vacation, the parents bought all her cars, paid for a lot of work on her house including an extension, even paid for her divorce settlement! She will have given you at least £300k over the life of her mortgage. How would you feel if you attended such a party? It seems a bit fake to me.”

“My husband cracked up when I told him about the party invitation and said ‘mom and dad’s bank’ paid the mortgage,” she continues.

A couple shows the keys to their house. Stock image. Is the writer correct in thinking that it is inappropriate to host a mortgage payment party?
fake images

One user called the party “vulgar” and another said “It’s a very strange party. Just don’t go.”

Some users suggested that the idea was rude in the context of the current financial situation in the United States, with TiredButAlive writing: “In the current economic climate, it seems a bit rude. I guess the only thing that would make it better would be if she were equally generous. for others, a kind of ‘pay in advance’ person. It is?”

WimpoleHat agreed: “I think it’s probably kind of ‘any excuse for a party,’ but it’s a bit rude/tactless/lack of self-awareness,” as well as too many clothes, “I think it’s rude too, especially at a time when most people are struggling financially. We were lucky enough to be able to pay off our mortgage a few years ago. Do not think that we have told anyone that it does not matter to have a party ».

To put this in context, the US is potentially on the verge of a financial recession. According to the financial timesConsumer prices rose 1 percent in May and 8.5 percent from a year earlier, the highest level since 1981.

Rising gasoline prices affected by the war in Ukraine and Russian sanctions, as well as a 1.2 percent increase in food prices and a 0.6 percent rise in housing costs With sky-high rents, it means the average American is more financially conscious than ever.

However, there were some comments in favor of the celebration.

One user noted: “Are you single and/or child free? It can be a rejection of having to constantly take time off (and spend money on) weddings, christenings, children’s birthdays, maternity leave collections at work, etc. I’ve definitely seen a trend toward women wanting to celebrate milestones that aren’t tied to traditional family structures. What seems fair at first glance…”

While SmileyPiuPiu wrote: “Initial thought…a very strange reason to throw a party. Now I think, why not, people throw parties to celebrate their babies’ genitalia after all.”

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