“They literally did everything together and even though we are in shock, when we really think about it, it’s not very surprising because they were always together and they had so much fun in life,” said one of their daughters Joana Sisk.
It was Patricia who got sick first. She went to the hospital for treatment but was told to go home in isolation. She did. Despite not feeling well, she trusted the doctors blindly. A week later, the couple had to be transported to hospital by ambulance. They were there for a week before they died.
The hospital staff informed the family that the time of death of the two was so close that they were both given the same time: Tuesday, November 24, 4:23 pm, according to CNN. “People who know them know that my mom went first and must have said, ‘It’s time to go!’”
Leslie herself worked as a nurse all her life and the family deliberately records corona as the cause of death in order to possibly save the life of someone else. “Even in heaven, my mother will continue to save lives. That means so much to me. ”
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