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Couple bought a declared total loss car: trader must return money

The car dealer from Oss who had sold a Hyundai to the Nijmegen couple Jeroen (33) and Roos (28) has been ordered by the judge to repay the full purchase amount of 8,500 euros. The second-hand car came to a standstill on the A2 a few months after purchase. The couple discovered themselves that they had bought a total loss car without knowing it.

In addition to the purchase amount, the owner of the car company Autosale also pays for the legal costs.

Four months after the purchase, Roos got the shock of her life when the car came to a stop on the A2 on the way to her parents. Fortunately without further consequences, but Roos said that he was ‘quite panicked’.

Total loss
The Nijmegen couple found the previous owner from Germany through the maintenance booklet. There it turned out that the car had been involved in an accident and total loss had been declared.

The Osse seller of the car had told the couple that the car only had user damage. During the hearing he told that he does import cars, but certainly not damaged cars. Autosale has offered to Jeroen and Roos to replace the engine after the car has stopped. The couple did not comment on that.

According to the judge, it is established that the car salesman did not say that the car had suffered significant damage in the past. According to the court, a seller is obliged to report this when making a sale. The judge therefore sentenced the owner Autosale to repay 8,500 euros, the amount that Jeroen and Roos had paid from the Hyundai.

Second-hand car stops on highway, couple demands money back from trader

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