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Coup de force in Gabon: The CEO takes note Coup de force in Gabon: The CEO takes note

Libreville, Thursday, September 7, 2023 (Infos Gabon) – In a statement made this Thursday in Libreville by Luc Oyoubi, Deputy Secretary General 1, the former ruling party promises to support all the initiatives undertaken by the Committee for the Transition and the Restoration of Institutions aimed at meeting the aspirations of the Gabonese people. The entire statement.

“Like all Gabonese men and women and the International Community, the Gabonese Democratic Party, CEO, took note of the events of Wednesday August 30, 2023 orchestrated by the Gabonese soldiers, gathered within the Committee for the Transition and the Restoration of the

Institutions (CTRI), which has just unanimously appointed Brigadier General Brice Clotaire OLIGUI NGUEMA as President of the Transition. A reversal of power by the Armed Forces is often fatal and almost always results in a great loss of human life.

Also, the CEO congratulates the Committee for the Transition and the Restoration of Institutions which has shown absolute control of the situation and has managed to save our beautiful country Gabon from a painful and bloody ordeal with consequences incalculable.

Recognizing his high sense of patriotic duty imbued with humanism, the CEO wishes to thank the CTRI which, despite its dominant position in the exercise of current power, has decided, through an act of great wisdom and respect for our values, to place the former Head of State, Ali BONGO ONDIMBA, also Distinguished Comrade President of the CEO, under house arrest. Gabonese men and women have welcomed the takeover by the military to correct, rectify and breathe new life into our country. To this end, the Gabonese Democratic Party expresses to all the living forces of the Nation its desire to maintain, alongside the authorities of the Transition and all the populations, a climate of peace and serenity and invites everyone to continue to work there for the good of Gabon.

Since its creation in 1968, the PDG has endeavored to defend the ideals of Dialogue, Tolerance and Peace. The many militants of the PDG have made their contribution to the Gabon edifice.

In 55 years of existence, Our Party has made National Unity and Peace its leitmotif, the foundation on which the development of our country rests. All was not perfect, of course. But the Founding President of our political formation, the late Omar BONGO ONDIMBA demonstrated to the Gabonese people that nothing could be built in violence and disorder. This is why, our Party invites the Transition Committee, to register definitively within the framework of the fundamental values ​​of the Gabonese Society, and to continue its work for a united and prosperous Gabon. The CEO will support all the initiatives undertaken by the Committee for the Transition and the Restoration of Institutions, aimed at responding to the wishes of the Gabonese people and compatible with the national and international context.

The Gabonese Democratic Party invites its activists and supporters to close ranks to strengthen the achievements, consolidate the values ​​of Dialogue, Tolerance and Peace and above all to support the reforms announced by the CTRI.

Finally, the Gabonese Democratic Party urges the authorities of the Transition to do everything possible to ensure that the return to constitutional order takes place within a reasonable time.

Long live the Gabonese Nation.

Long live the Gabonese people.

Long live Gabon.

Thank you ”


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