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Countryside tragedy, the Government issues a road alert: «A squeeze on safety»

Even yesterday, while awaiting the developments of the investigations, there was a succession of reactions on the tragic road accident which occurred in the night between Saturday and Sunday in Campagna in which the young carabinieri lost their lives Francesco Pastore e Francesco Ferraro. Guest yesterday morning at the University of Salerno, the leader of the 5 Star Movement and former prime minister, Giuseppe Conte, sent his sympathy to the families of the victims, speaking of what happened as a «lacerating wound, difficult to stem». In the capital, however, the governor was present yesterday Vincenzo De Luca who once again underlined the drama of the story: «I renew the feelings of condolences of all of us at the Carabinieri, as well as the families of the missing soldiers. We don’t know how this accident happened but it is a tragedy in any case».

Unanimous condolences from all over Italy: the president of the senators of Forza Italia, Maurizio Gasparri and the undersecretary of the Ministry of Transport, Tullio Ferrantewhich highlights an urgent need «to introduce a crackdown on safety». A firm crackdown, therefore, on those who commit crimes while driving vehicles. A need also reiterated by the minister Matteo Salvini who, referring precisely to the tragedy that occurred in the Salerno area and which threw the entire Carabinieri into mourning and pain, highlighted how «the highway code which I hope will be approved by the summer will bring more controls, more rigor, more seriousness, I hope fewer deaths and fewer accidents», said the deputy prime minister yesterday while participating in an event in Naples.

Even the Minister of Defense, Guido Crosettoshowed his closeness to the Corps and to the families of the young victims: «It is with deep sorrow that I express, on my behalf and that of the entire Defense family, the feelings of deepest condolences to the families of Marshal Francesco Pastore and Carabiniere Francesco Ferraro, soldiers of the Carabinieri who disappeared due to a tragic road accident during the carrying out their territorial control service. A thoughtful thought and best wishes for a speedy recovery to the other carabiniere who was injured», highlighted in a note the representative of the government led by Giorgia Meloni.

#Countryside #tragedy #Government #issues #road #alert #squeeze #safety
– 2024-04-10 01:38:40

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