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Country’s Corruption Crisis: A Deepening Concern

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Pidato di World Government Summit, ‌Prabowo Nyatakan indonesia Siap‌ Jadi Jembatan Dunia

Presiden Republik Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto, menegaskan ‌pentingnya peran aktif dunia dalam menjaga stabilitas global dengan prinsip perdamaian, ​keadilan, dan saling menghormati. Hal itu ditekankan Prabowo dalam⁣ pidatonya dalam World Government Summit 2025 yang dilakukan secara daring.Prabowo ⁤menyampaikan bahwa dunia saat ini menghadapi ​tantangan besar termasuk konflik⁢ di Ukraina.

Prabowo Sebut Tingkat‍ Korupsi di Indonesia Mengkhawatirkan

Presiden RI Prabowo Subianto menyebut⁣ tingkat korupsi⁤ di Indonesia mengkhawatirkan. ia pun menegaskan bakal membasmi koruptor yang merugikan ⁤negara. ‌Hal ini disampaikannya di forum internasional World Governments ⁣Summit 2025 di Dubai,Uni Emirat Arab,yang ⁤dihadiri secara virtual,pada Kamis (13/2/2025). “Tingkat korupsi di negara saya sangat mengkhawatirkan.

indonesia’s Prabowo ​vows firm action against corruptors

Indonesian President ​Prabowo ​Subianto has vowed to take ‍firm action against corrupt individuals who have stolen state funds.​ He emphasized that good governance is the key⁣ to eradicating corruption. At the beginning of his ​government, he claimed to have made a savings ⁢of the state budget of ⁢USD ⁢20 billion.”I am very confident,and⁢ I think everyone,especially⁣ the Indonesian‍ people,understands this. even ⁣so, I face​ the resistance​ of the⁣ rooted bureaucracy. Some‍ of them consider ⁣themselves to be not touched,” ‌Prabowo⁤ said.

despite facing obstacles, Prabowo remained confident in his establishment. ‍He ‍claimed he would remain step on the gas and ‌not be reluctant to eradicate ⁤corruption.

“I haven’t started⁢ to fight. So I think this will​ be⁣ my motto. after 100 days, I⁤ haven’t started my struggle. And⁣ I’m ‌sure, we⁤ will achieve significant progress,” Prabowo said.

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