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Pidato di World Government Summit, Prabowo Nyatakan indonesia Siap Jadi Jembatan Dunia
Presiden Republik Indonesia, Prabowo Subianto, menegaskan pentingnya peran aktif dunia dalam menjaga stabilitas global dengan prinsip perdamaian, keadilan, dan saling menghormati. Hal itu ditekankan Prabowo dalam pidatonya dalam World Government Summit 2025 yang dilakukan secara daring.Prabowo menyampaikan bahwa dunia saat ini menghadapi tantangan besar termasuk konflik di Ukraina.
Prabowo Sebut Tingkat Korupsi di Indonesia Mengkhawatirkan
Presiden RI Prabowo Subianto menyebut tingkat korupsi di Indonesia mengkhawatirkan. ia pun menegaskan bakal membasmi koruptor yang merugikan negara. Hal ini disampaikannya di forum internasional World Governments Summit 2025 di Dubai,Uni Emirat Arab,yang dihadiri secara virtual,pada Kamis (13/2/2025). “Tingkat korupsi di negara saya sangat mengkhawatirkan.
indonesia’s Prabowo vows firm action against corruptors
Indonesian President Prabowo Subianto has vowed to take firm action against corrupt individuals who have stolen state funds. He emphasized that good governance is the key to eradicating corruption. At the beginning of his government, he claimed to have made a savings of the state budget of USD 20 billion.”I am very confident,and I think everyone,especially the Indonesian people,understands this. even so, I face the resistance of the rooted bureaucracy. Some of them consider themselves to be not touched,” Prabowo said.
despite facing obstacles, Prabowo remained confident in his establishment. He claimed he would remain step on the gas and not be reluctant to eradicate corruption.
“I haven’t started to fight. So I think this will be my motto. after 100 days, I haven’t started my struggle. And I’m sure, we will achieve significant progress,” Prabowo said.
Hoegeng Awards 2025
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