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Countries with great contrasts, but also raw materials and the latest technology

On the one hand India is a highly developed economic and nuclear power, on the other hand around three quarters of the population of the total of around 1.35 billion Indians live in poverty. Social injustices are the order of the day. There is often hunger, especially in rural areas. Because droughts are occurring more and more often, they are the consequences of climate change. EnWave takes care of food and its preservation – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MdRaDrg_1MQ . Utilizing EnWave’s Radiant Energy Vacuum (“REV ™”) dehydration technology not only supplies the food industry, but also the pharmaceutical and cannabis sectors in 20 countries. The latest contract partner of EnWave is the Indian M / S Lalsai Dehy Foods (“LD Food”). The technology company is now also on the move in India.

But not only the many hungry people in the world need new technologies, climate change and the reduction of CO2 emissions must also be promoted. This is where electromobility, which is enjoying an ever-growing following, helps. It is gaining acceptance due to increasingly advanced battery systems. Technology and raw materials work together here. Battery raw materials include lithium, a raw material that is currently causing a sensation. Lithium is not only found in the famous lithium triangle (Chile, Argentina, Bolivia), but also in a country that can also be called the land of opposites, Mongolia. Strongly fluctuating temperatures, the Gobi desert and the taiga and also lithium belong to Mongolia. Here’s about ION Energy – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FpvLzzNsJ1A – at home with its lithium projects. With one of the largest exploration licenses there, the company is ideally positioned to participate in the booming lithium market in Asia.

Current company information and press releases from EnWave (https://www.resource-capital.ch/de/unternehmen/enwave-corp/).

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