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Countries Invasion of the United States


WASHINGTON United States of America (US) is known to often carry out “invasions” of other countries for various reasons. Starting from upholding democracy to anti-terrorism operations.

Easter was World War I and II, the US has invaded more than 10 countries in the world. Both long-term and short-term military operations. There are at least four of the best known US invasions in the world today. The first is the US military invasion of Vietnam, or better known as the Vietnam war.

The Vietnam War was a long, costly and divisive conflict that pitted the communist government of North Vietnam against South Vietnam, aided by the US. More than three million people, including more than 58,000 Americans, died in the Vietnam War.

Read: Formerly Leading US Invasion of Afghanistan, Now Bush Expresses ‘Deep Sadness’

The US began to be involved in the conflict in Vietnam since 1963 and ended when President Richard Nixon ordered the withdrawal of troops in 1973.

Next is the US invasion of Iraq. The invasion phase began on March 19, 2003 through air strikes and then the deployment of ground troops on March 20, 2003. The initial phase of the war officially ended on May 1, 2003 when President A, George W. Bush declared “the end of major combat operations”.

Thereafter the Coalition Provisional Authority (CPA) was established as the first of several successive transitional governments to lead for the first Iraqi parliamentary elections in January 2005. US military forces then remained in Iraq until withdrawal in 2011.

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According to Bush and British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the coalition aims to disarm Iraq’s weapons of mass destruction, to end Saddam Hussein’s support for terrorism and to liberate the Iraqi people.

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