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Countries closing entry doors from China… Effect of tightening quarantine ‘unknown’

Morocco is completely blocked since 3

Australia makes coronavirus testing mandatory

Expert ‘Hard to stop the spread’

China has embarked on a full-scale reopening of its borders for the first time in three years, but the actions of Chinese authorities have been overshadowed as countries around the world have tightened quarantine measures for entries from China and closed the “Cafe”. Although it is a worrying measure for the rapid spread of corona19 infected people in China, the disclosure of opaque information and the possibility of influx of mutant viruses, questions are raised about its effectiveness even in countries that have tightened quarantine regulations for newcomers from China.

Reuters reported on the 31st of last month (local time) that Morocco has agreed to ban all entry from China regardless of nationality since the 3rd. Morocco is the first country to ban entry from China.

Other countries are also tightening quarantines for travelers arriving from China, stepping up vigilance about the possibility of an influx of COVID-19. Australia has decided to make it mandatory for travelers arriving from China to get tested for COVID-19 from 5. The Philippines also announced through an emergency order that they will strengthen surveillance for respiratory diseases on all arrivals from China at all borders. Previously, South Korea, the United States, Japan, Taiwan and India agreed to make the submission of a negative Corona 19 test result mandatory for participants from China. In Europe, starting with Italy, Spain, the UK and France are taking similar measures one after the other.

The tightening of the quarantine for new arrivals from China is a measure that concerns the rapid spread of Corona 19 in China and the resulting outbreak and influx of mutant viruses. The fact that Chinese authorities are not properly monitoring or disclosing information about the extent of domestic infections and whether or not mutations have occurred is also a reason why countries lock down China. On the 30th of last month, the World Health Organization (WHO) asked China to share specific information on the spread of Corona 19 and the status of vaccination in real time.

However, even in countries that have tightened quarantine measures for new arrivals from China, there is skepticism that related measures won’t have much effect. Professor Paul Hunter, an infectious disease expert at the University of East Anglia in the UK, told The Guardian Sunday Observer: ‘Research has shown that immigration screening is ineffective at controlling the disease in many cases and one study shows that 60% of (infection) cases are missed.” “Such measures will not stop the spread of COVID-19 or protect Britons,” he said.

There is also an analysis that the chance of a mutation occurring in China is not high. Chris Murray, director of the University of Washington Health Research Center, said in an interview with CNBC: “There were billions of Omicron infections last year, but no new mutations have appeared, only sub -Omicron mutations”. .

China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs has previously stressed that South Korea’s quarantine measures should be strengthened, saying, “Each country’s quarantine measures must be scientific and appropriate, and should not affect normal personnel exchanges, exchanges and cooperation.” “.

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