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Counter-demo to Wagenknecht and Co.: Peace doves instead of Russian broilers

Aside from the major movement, there were also alternative peace demonstrations in Berlin. They demand peace – but without “Putin propaganda”.

BERLIN taz | A banner made of cling film stretches in front of the Russian embassy in Berlin on Thursday morning. People dressed in black with skull masks spray paint “Russia is waging a war of aggression” on them. The lettering gradually obscures the message. The activists behind the masks belong to the Peace Society of United War Resisters (DFG-VK). They are protesting under the motto “Pacifism instead of Putin propaganda” against the “Never again war” demonstration by the Peace Movement Alliance, which speaks out against German arms deliveries and rearmament and calls for negotiations to immediately end the wars in Ukraine and Gaza.

Garbage bags designed to look like body bags lie under the banner in front of the Russian embassy. The DFG-VK sharply criticizes the “Never Again War” alliance: It portrays Russia as a victim and willingly accepts right-wing actors, the AfD and actors from the lateral thinking milieu into its ranks. “Mrs Wagenknecht, Mr Gauweiler and others present themselves as angels of peace, but do not name the causes of war. The cause of the war in Ukraine is the authoritarian Russian regime around Putin,” says Toni Schmitz, spokesman for the DFG-VK. “Instead, they are trying to normalize right-wing and reactionary ideas and are thus proving to be further supporters of the AfD,” said Schmitz. It is early and cold this morning, and few passers-by stop to watch the rally.

The alliance “Vitsche – Activists Empowering Ukraine” has also called for a counter-protest later. “We are demonstrating to give German society the opportunity to take a clear position against Russian narratives and threats and to show solidarity with Ukraine,” says Kateryna Demerza, spokeswoman for Vitsche, to taz.

According to the Vitsche alliance, the peace movement alliance is playing into Putin’s hands and is dangerous for Europe

Right next to the peace demonstration at the Großer Stern they are protesting under the motto: “Your peace is our death sentence”. People wear the Ukrainian flag around their shoulders and hold signs with inscriptions such as “Victory for Peace” or “Your indifference is death for others”. One says: “Your peace doves are just Russian broilers.” Among the speakers on this day are Michael Roth (SPD) and Sebastian Schäfer (Greens).

Ukraine is not a “business” for sale

Vitsche describes “Never Again War” as “pseudo-pacifism.” The peace movement alliance plays into Putin’s hands and is dangerous for Europe. Freedom and democracy are at stake and it is important to continue to support Ukraine in its fight against Russia. Submission cannot lead to peace: “Imagine Ukraine giving up: Do you really think Russia would just stop? This country is constantly agitating against Europe and has become heavily militarized. In addition, Ukraine renounced nuclear weapons in 1994 – and what do we have now? If we reward Russia for its attack by doing nothing about it and only giving what Russia wants, then we will not get peace, but more war,” Demerza said.

The spokeswoman demands that “German society finally understands that it is not just about Ukraine and that Ukraine is not a business that we can sell to Russia in order to buy ourselves a few more stable years.” The Vitsche alliance rejects the idea that negotiations with an aggressor are possible: “History, from Syria to Georgia, shows: Only determined resistance can stop Russia’s expansionist drive.”

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