Home » today » World » Countdown to Unlock in China! South Korea Announces Urgently: Chinese Tourists ‘Require PCR Screening Before and After Entry’ | International | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Countdown to Unlock in China! South Korea Announces Urgently: Chinese Tourists ‘Require PCR Screening Before and After Entry’ | International | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

International Center / Reported by Huang Yunxuan

On the 27th, China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced that the border will be unblocked from January 8, 2023. In this regard, countries are tense, fearing that a large number of Chinese going abroad will cause a new wave of epidemic outbreaks in their own countries. , “All personnel” who have been to China within 7 days must enter the country with a negative PCR certificate and take entry tests. North Korea even directly bans Chinese nationals from entering the country. Now South Korea has announced to follow up.

South Korean Prime Minister Han Yuzhu announced today (30) that passengers arriving from China must undergo PCR testing before boarding and after arriving at Incheon International Airport, according to “Yonhap News Agency”. the end of February next year.

The report said that due to the deteriorating epidemic situation in China, the South Korean government told the Central Conference on Disaster Security Response that the government will inevitably tighten some quarantine measures to prevent internal transmission in South Korea.

South Korean Prime Minister Han Jue-soo said passengers entering South Korea from China must have a negative PCR test 48 hours before boarding the flight before they can board the flight and undergo PCR screening by one day after arriving in South Korea to prevent the epidemic from spreading to the South Korean community. In addition, South Korea will temporarily suspend additional flights for flights from China and arrive smoothly at Incheon Airport for effective quarantine management.

▲Many countries around the world have introduced relevant measures for incoming Chinese tourists. (Image/Photo Data)

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