Home » today » News » Countdown to resignation! Mayor Ke Wenzhe’s office was clean and surprised to see “Wang Shijian’s gift” and shouted with a smile: This is not lost | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Countdown to resignation! Mayor Ke Wenzhe’s office was clean and surprised to see “Wang Shijian’s gift” and shouted with a smile: This is not lost | Politics | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Reporter Xu Haoting/Taipei Report【Posted at 11:46 on 12/23|Updated at 13:45: Added audio and video

▲ Wang Shijian sent a bicycle! Ke Wenzhe praised: the most practical. (Photo/Supplied by Beishi Government)

Taipei Mayor Ko Wenzhe will step down on the 25th. He will clean up the mayor’s office today (23). There is still a gift from DPP Taipei City Councilor Wang Shijian. He praised the ‘bicycle’ as the most practical.’ He laughed, ‘It’s too big! I haven’t thrown it away yet.”

Ke Wenzhe was cleaning the mayor’s office today and saw that he was still receiving the bicycle given by Wang Shijian during the interrogation. He praised that this is the most practical; when asked by the media, will he ride his bicycle to work at National Taiwan University next week? He said the most annoying thing is where to put the bike? He revealed that he used to ride a bicycle to and from work, but his experience is that bicycles worth less than 1,500 yuan will not be stolen, but bicycles worth more than 1,500 yuan will disappear within two days. ; besides, there is a big mirror next to him, and he Laughing: “I haven’t lost this (mirror), it’s too big!”

Regarding the duel with Wang Shijian on the talk show “Burn”, Ke Wenzhe revealed that the founder Bo En came to invite him and said that he wanted to put on a show to boost ratings, and he agreed; He said there is nothing to talk about, “Tell him (Wang Shijian) that you have worked hard, everyone has worked hard.” As for whether to invite Wang Shijian to join the People’s Party? He laughed and said that after Wang Shijian was expelled from the DPP, “But I think he is fast. According to his speed of speech, he will soon be expelled from the DPP!”

And there’s a painting hanging behind the seat in the mayor’s office. Ke Wenzhe said it was a gift from a friend, because the friend said that people should have some support. The painting is Taiwan’s largest mountain “Yushan”, which was specially drawn by an artist; and the sword on the table was given to him by students at Whampoa Military Academy.

Mayor Ke Wenzhe's office was cleaned.  (Photo/Supplied by Beishi Government)

▲ Mayor Ke Wenzhe’s office has been cleaned. (Photo/Supplied by Beishi Government)

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