After more than 30 years in the Bruder-Konrad-Haus at Kirchplatz 8, the counseling centers of the Diocese of Würzburg moved to Mayor-Keßler-Platz 1 at the end of last year. In March, Pastor Sven Johannsen blessed the new rooms in a celebration, due to the pandemic in a small circle, according to a statement. The idea of a good outer and inner, human space ran like a red thread through the event.
Words of welcome were spoken by Sigrid Maroske (Catholic Women’s Social Service (SkF) board), Anna E.Thieser (head of department SkF) and Albert Knött (head of department EFL). In addition, the SkF consultants Gaby Hautsch-Langanki and Susanne Resch as well as the EFL consultants Ingrid Ingelmann, Christel Schneider-Nickel and Michael Ottl took part in the celebration and helped organize it.
Pastor Johannsen welcomed the fact that there is still a low-threshold offer for the city of Lohr and the Main-Spessart district on site. He also emphasized how important it is that, because of the duty of confidentiality, people find a space here in which they can talk about very personal issues in their lives and develop new perspectives.