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councilors debate the new statute for 2 hours

São Paulo’s policy was highlighted at Morumbi in a night without matches for football. If the club’s advisers met virtually at 7:30 pm (GMT) to debate the proposed changes to the current statute, at the same time a small group of São Paulo tried to make themselves heard in the vicinity of an empty stadium.

The meeting lasted just over two and a half hours and ended waiting for the result. The deadline for voting by councilors ends at 5 pm tomorrow (Brasília time). There are 16 items proposed to change the bylaws. For each highlight to be approved, 128 votes are required. After that, São Paulo associates will participate in the election, giving the final voice.

About 180 councilors attend the meeting. Last week, when a demonstration of fans began to be organized on social networks, the session was changed from a hybrid format (face-to-face and virtual) to a completely virtual environment.

The chairman of the board, Olten Ayres de Abreu Jr., asked for an opinion to the Committee of Notables of the Medical Excellence Division (DEM), which recommended that the meeting take place online because of the omicron variant of covid-19.

The change cooled the protests that were being organized by fans who were opposed to the proposals. At the height of the movement, just over 50 São Paulo were positioned on the outskirts of the stadium, shouting slogans against President Júlio Casares and his board: “hey, Casares, go take it in c…” and “No coup” echoed among fans.

The main complaint of those against the bylaws changes concerns the election. One of the proposals calls for a return to reelection — currently, Júlio Casares is serving a three-year term and cannot run again. Another intends to reduce the quorum of the deliberative council from 260 (160 for life and 100 elected) to 200 (120 for life and 80 elected).

This is the point of greatest discomfort for the opposition. The statute requires a slate to have 55 signatures of lifetime advisors to become eligible for the election. With the change, a ticket would only need to get 66 signatures to prevent a second from being approved. Casares’ management currently has a large majority on the board.

from the streets to the gym

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Image: Eduardo Nunes/UOL

After nearly an hour, fans decided to change their strategy. They left the surroundings of Morumbi and entered the club to occupy the stands of the gymnasium, where São Paulo faced Mogi for the NBB, the national league of basketball.

The slogans continued in the stands, while the gymnasium announcer tried, in vain, to ask that they be transformed in support of the team. Fans even hung a banner that said “#separasãopaulo”, in reference to the movement that calls for the social club to be separated from football.

Far away, the councilors alternated in speeches in favor and against the proposals. About 14 members asked for the floor, seven from the opposition and seven from the situation. Jaime Franco was the only one in the group that supports President Júlio Casares to speak out against the change in statute. The other participations took place without great excitement.

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