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Could Only One Pair of Candidates Appear in the 2024 Presidential Election?


Chairman of the Crescent Star Party (PBB) Yusril Ihza Mahendra conveyed his thoughts on the possibility of only one pair of candidates (paslon) appearing in the 2024 Presidential Election. Yusril questioned the imposition of a presidential threshold requirement (presidential threshold or PT) of 20 percent. What’s behind this thought?

Yusril warned that there might only be one candidate pair until the registration period at the KPU in October. If that happens and is deemed to have caused a compelling crisis, Yusril suggested President Joko Widodo (Jokowi) can overcome this by issuing Perpu.

However, Yusril emphasized that the Perpu was not to regulate how to carry out a presidential election where there was only one candidate pair, but to issue a Perpu that canceled the 20 percent presidential threshold to zero percent.

Then, is it possible that what Yusril has been anticipating could happen to him? 2024 election?

“Yes, I actually took part in discussions in coalition and non-coalition groups. Yes, there are talks like that. What’s more, there is pressure, right, then it’s difficult to resolve this problem,” Yusril said when contacted, Wednesday (30/8/ 2023).

This Professor of Constitutional Law highlighted the potential presidential candidates so far there were only two names that could be said to have met the requirements of PT. They are the vice president of the PDIP and the supporting party, Ganjar Pranowo, and the presidential vice president of the Forward Indonesia Coalition, Prabowo Subianto. According to him, candidacy issues that require the fulfillment of PT can bring election contestation to a bad condition.

“So, for example, it turns out that those who want to have a threshold of 20% are only two potential partners,” said Yusril.

“This issue is crucial. We are constitutional law people. We anticipate the worst situation that could happen,” he added.

Yusril then recounted that he had written a method so that President Suharto had a constitutional basis for resigning from his position in the midst of the 1998 financial crisis. He asked Suharto to declare his resignation from office unilaterally, not in an MPR session.

“Can you imagine if I didn’t write about how Pak Harto was forced to step down. That’s when I wrote people would laugh, asking what that meant. But that’s when Pak Harto finally resigned. unilateral. How long did it take Pak Habibie to take the oath,” said Yusril.

Yusril admitted that he had been questioned by former Governor of DKI Ali Sadikin about his writing. He considered there was no other way in an emergency situation at that time.

“At that time, I had a long debate with Mr. Ali Sadikin, right. Mr. Ali Sadikin said, ‘Ril, why did you make Pak Harto stop’. I said, I have to make a way out of this country’s crucial difficulties. I have to stop before the MPR. Because how do you want the MPR session, the MPR is still occupied by students,” he said.

In Yusril’s view, it was impossible to suggest that Suharto hand over his dismissal to the MPR session. Because, according to him, Suharto’s political position was still so strong at that time, including in the MPR.

“Even if the MPR could hold a session, I then made Pak Harto in a speech, ‘My honorable deliberative assembly, I beg you to leave my position’. Then the MPR said no. Then what to do, he-he-he…, ” he said.

“Loh, Pak Harto was still strong at that time. The TNI-Polri was still in the MPR, Golkar was still there, regional delegates, group representatives were still there. ‘Oh, don’t, Pak Harto. This country is still in crisis. Don’t back down, sir.’ business,” he continued.


2023-08-30 14:48:37

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