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Could blue light be the cause of facial discoloration?

Your mobile can do it in your face!

Blue light is defined as the portion of the visible light spectrum (380 to 500 nanometers) found in sunlight. This light is also emitted by common electronic devices such as interior lighting, computer screens and smartphones. Although blue light is thought to penetrate deeper than UV light, studies show that it is not associated with the development of skin cancer. Dermatology specialist Dr. Makbule Dündar said: “Most of the blue light we are exposed to comes from the sun. The amount of blue light emitted by devices is only a small fraction of that emitted by the sun. The days of quarantine that entered our lives with the Covid-19 pandemic have caused an increase in the time spent with computers and cell phones. This raises the question of whether electronic devices increase skin aging and discoloration. ”While it is not yet clear whether this problem is true and whether it has scientific truth, awareness about the problem is important.


Scientists say blue light from the sun and devices can cause eye fatigue and dry eye, accelerating cataracts and age-related macular degeneration. Some studies claim that it can create an imbalance that can also negatively affect hormone production and sleep quality.


Dr Makbule Dündar continues: “Although there are currently not enough scientific studies on the effects of blue light on the skin, preliminary studies contain some clues”; “It has started to be among the arguments emphasizing that the penetration of blue light into the skin causes reactive oxygen species and this can cause DNA damage and damage to collagen and elastin fibers. During the Covid-19 process, employees spent a lot of time in front of the home screen. My personal observation is that although these people don’t go outside and are not exposed to the sun, there is an increase in dark spots and old dark spots on their faces. I think this may be due to the blue light emitted by the screens. Blue light can cause changes in the skin such as increased pigmentation, swelling, redness, and premature wrinkles.


In addition to the computer screen, tablets and mobile phones are also seen as blue light sources, so reducing the brightness of the phone screen and moving it away from the cheek using headphones are among the recommended measures. It is claimed that using an ophthalmologist-approved screen protector for electronic devices that blocks or reduces blue light can also reduce the damage that can occur.


Dr Makbule Dündar, to the question “How should we be protected from the harmful effects of blue light”; “It is very important to apply a sunscreen containing at least 30 sun protection factors to your face every day and to apply the cream even if you will be spending the whole day at home. She reminds that choosing sunscreen between physical and mineral protections such as zinc oxide or titanium dioxide gives more effective results in protecting against blue light. Choosing a cream containing vitamins C and E high in antioxidants and ferulic acid that you use for your daily care will be a kind of insurance to neutralize the free radical damage you are exposed to despite all your efforts to protect yourself with sunscreen .

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