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Cough Up To Three Weeks? Beware of Lung Cancer

Finding cancer early has the potential to save lives.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Cough that does not go away and continues for a long time can be triggered by several kinds of health problems. One of them is lung cancer.

Cough related to lung cancer usually lasts more than three weeks. In addition, patients can also experience cough bleeding or feeling short of breath. If you experience a cough like this, experts urge the public to immediately consult a doctor.

“Maybe the symptom is not cancer, but it can be found (cancer) early so it can save lives,” said National Clinical Director for Cancer, Prof Peter Johnson, as reported by ExpressMonday (1/8/2022).

Lung cancer is one of the most deadly types of cancer. Even in 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) revealed that lung cancer is the type of cancer that causes the most deaths in the world.

In that year, there were about 1.8 million deaths in the world that occurred due to lung cancer. Recognize and be aware Lung cancer symptoms can make the disease found and treated earlier. That way, lung cancer patients can achieve better treatment outcomes and life expectancy.

“We know that in fact the vast majority of people diagnosed with lung cancer will quickly survive,” said National Health Service (NHS) National Ancer Director, Cally Palmer.

In addition to a cough that doesn’t go away for up to three weeks, coughing up blood, and persistent shortness of breath, the NHS reveals that there are several other symptoms to watch out for. Some of these symptoms are recurrent chest infections, pain when breathing or coughing, coughing getting worse, and persistent tiredness or lack of energy.

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