Home » today » News » Cotton sticks are dangerous for removing earwax, so what are the other options, know the best methods from experts.

Cotton sticks are dangerous for removing earwax, so what are the other options, know the best methods from experts.

How to Get Rid of Ear Wax: The first thing is that earwax or wax coming out of the ear is a natural leakage which does not cause any special harm. But if it builds up too much, it obstructs the passage of the ear canal, which can cause some problems including hearing. Earwax or wax protects our ears in many ways. This prevents the layer over the ear canals from drying out or cracking. Along with this, it also protects from water, dust particles and infection. Actually, our ear canals clean themselves. This is not a problem, but if it builds up in excess, it can cause obstructive pain in the ear or, in some cases, hearing loss. People usually use cotton sticks to remove earwax, which can prove to be extremely fatal.

The Mirror In the report, audiologist Dr. Sophie Maji says that cotton sticks or cotton buds can prove fatal in removing earwax in many ways. This may increase the possibility of bacteria entering the ear. At the same time, when the matchstick is inserted inside the ear, it starts pushing the ear canal backwards due to which the wax goes back and instead of decreasing, it starts increasing. On the other hand, the risk of damage to the ear canal also increases. Cotton buds can also cause injury to the ear, but its most fatal result is that it can also cause rupture of the eardrum. Therefore, cotton buds should never be used for ears. The interesting thing is that when you buy cotton buds, it is also written on its packet that do not use them for ears. Then what are the better ways to clean earwax?

Better ways to remove ear wax

1. Leave it as it is-Dr. Sophie Maji says that ear wax is important for ear health. Therefore, the best way is to leave it like this. Because the ear cleans itself. Its design is naturally hygienic.

2. Regular cleaning-Regular cleaning means that while bathing, apply soap thoroughly on the outer part of the ear and clean it with lukewarm water. After this, clean the ear completely from outside with a soft towel. Make this a daily routine while taking bath.

3. Olive Oil-If there is too much wax in the ears, then use natural oil such as olive oil or essential oil. Due to this, the ear wax becomes moist and then comes out of the ear on its own.

4. Microsection-Microsection is a scientific method of ear cleaning in which earwax is removed with the help of a microscope. Only a doctor can do this. This is considered a safe method.

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Tags: Health, Health tips, Lifestyle

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