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CÔTE-D’OR: Transparent masks make you smile again

3,565 inclusive masks were distributed to establishments for young children of the CAF network in Côte-d’Or.

Press release from the Caisse d’Allocations Familiales de la Côte-d’Or dated December 28, 2020:

Welcoming toddlers – these transparent masks that bring a smile back

The delivery of transparent masks, financed by the Caf, was carried out in the establishments of reception of the young children of Côte-d’Or, where 135 structures are concerned, like the multi-reception structure “Galipette et Trottinette” in Dijon.

3,565 masks were thus distributed in Côte-d’Or to early childhood professionals, nurseries, multi-reception facilities and homes for childminders.

The Family branch responded to the invitation of Olivier Véran, Minister for Solidarity and Health and Adrien Taquet, Secretary of State for Children and Families, to finance and distribute these inclusive masks.

Wearing a mask is indeed compulsory for early childhood professionals working in collective care since the start of the school year *. However, “toddlers must be able to read the expressions of the faces around them; it is essential for their balance and their learning. It is for this reason that we have decided to finance these transparent masks. It is about the well-being and development of toddlers. With this decision, we are also continuing to stand alongside our partners in this difficult period that we are going through ”, specifies Isabelle Sancerni, President of the Board of Directors of the Caisse Nationale des Allocations Familiales (Cnaf).

This exceptional and unique operation was carried out with the help of partners: APF France Handicap, which manufactured the masks, and Chronopost, which graciously took charge of the delivery.

The delivery of these masks was carried out gradually until December 24. Enough to end the year in a more positive way, and bring a smile to professionals and children!

* Pursuant to Decree No. 2020-1146 of September 17, 2020, the wearing of “general public” masks is mandatory for professionals in the care of young children working in reception structures (nurseries and MAMs), including in presence of children.

A 100% inclusive mask

The mask was manufactured in France, by the network of adapted companies of APF France Handicap. These companies are dedicated to the sustainable professional inclusion of people with disabilities. This project also includes work integration companies.

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